Chapter 5

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Jasper's point of view

Found a mate, got accepted and in return accept him as well. One step at a time. Slowly, let's do it. I know I can do this. Moon goddess has created the first and second steps which are making him and me mates and making us meet. Now it would be us together to take the steps together and make this bonding work. Acceptance was the crucial part cause it opens door to opportunities to get to know each other, slowly understand each other and like and love and live together.

Thinking that you have a mate out there somewhere and waiting for one may look bizarre to other species. But the idea that there is a soul that is made for me, who is going to live a life with me makes it beautiful. It is not that different from a human meeting another and falling in love with them. The only difference is we know he/she is for us through our distinct smell catered for us to mould perfectly.

Now, now let's stop trying to explain so much. I need to get my head straight. And I need to go to sleep.

" Did you see, he was so considerate about your personal space. He is such a sap. And his wolf is even sappier. Heheheh." Lexi was giggling like a fool. And I wasn't any better than him.

" He...he seems really nice and kind. Did you meet his wolf? How was he?" I asked bit curious.

" He is a banana head. All he did was snuggle on my neck. He was scenting me which I liked very much. Thank you." I gasped when Lexi said scenting.

Scenting is really intimate. Isn't it a bit fast?

" What fast? It's not like we did something scandalous. We are wolf Jasper, we don't have hands to hold and lips to kiss. All we can do is snuggle. What's so wrong with doing that in the first meeting? It's not like we had sex." Lexi said sassily making me giggle at his antics.

" I can't win with your crazy words. I am happy though. I just wish that he won't find me boring though. I hope he will try to understand me. He accepted me, doesn't guarantee that he will love me." I started feeling down just thinking about the future.

" Jasper, bonding is a two-way commitment like a usual relationship. It needs time and effort to work. It won't work just because you are mates with each other. Both of you are different individuals with different interests and lifestyle, it will need some time to get used to each other presence. If something is going wrong, you guys work together to make it go right. Slowly, okay. We four will make it work. Don't worry too much." My forever guidance, Lexi's point of view.

" Okay. Love you." I confessed my love for him.

" Love you too you crybaby," Lexi said and went to sleep into my deep consciousness. And I also slowly fell into a deep sleep.


When I woke up it was already seven in the morning. This was the best sleep in a long time. My sleep was always tainted with the memories from past. My sleep is always accompanied by nightmares so I always woke up during the night and couldn't go back to sleep. That was the reason why I always woke up super early and slowly, I started making breakfast to occupy my time which then turned into a habit.

But this morning, mom had already started making breakfast. In this household, breakfast is a huge deal. Everyone loves their morning meal. I was expecting Ashton to come as well but it seems he and John got busy with pack work.

The day went by pretty quick but it was pretty boring. My day never used to be boring as I would always do something to occupy myself. But today I didn't do anything as I was distracted and couldn't focus that well. There was some kind of jittery not in a bad way but just something new feeling throughout the whole day.

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