Acknowledgments | Character Interview

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This story is nowhere near finished in the sense of how finished works look like. It's only the first draft but I'm really happy and feel really accomplished to have completed this story and all credit goes to you guys who are reading this right now. Without your constant support and love for these characters and this story, I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm not gonna mention anyone as I have full confidence in myself that I would forget to mention some people. So, whoever is reading this, this is for you. I dedicate this story to you.


The Q&A kind of turned into a character interview, including me of course. I hope you enjoy it and it answers some of your questions. So, let's get started.

Are you guys ready? Because we're going to destroy the fourth wall to the ground!

Interviewer - Olivia Chase.

Olivia - Hi everyone! I'm excited to welcome our guests, Asher Hart, Ellie Anderson, Brooke Franco, Ashton McArdle and our fantastic author who won't tell us her name. *narrows her eyes*

Author - *smiles sheepishly* Thanks for having us.

*everyone sits*

Olivia - When was the first time you guys kissed? *looks between Asher and Ellie*

Ellie - *looks at Asher who's hiding a smile* It was at your cousin's birthday party, right?

Asher - I assume they want to know about the one before that. *raises his eyebrow as he leans back*

Ellie - *chuckles lightly* Oh, it was nothing! *waves hands*

Asher - *tsk-tsk* Admit it, Anderson I was your first kiss. *smirks*

Ellie - You were not!

Asher - Was too.

Ellie - *glares at him*

Brooke - *rolls her eyes* Please excuse their bickering. They are an old married couple.

Ellie - *sighs* Alright alright, I'll tell. We were eight and it was just to prove Ashton that girls don't have cooties. It was nothing.

Ashton - Hey! I never had any preconceptions about kissing.

Ellie - * gasps as realization dawns* You! *accuses Asher* You tricked me into kissing you.

*Asher bends over laughing as Ellie crosses her arms and huffs*

Asher - *wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer* If it makes you feel any better you were my first kiss too. *kisses her cheek softly*

Olivia - Aww! *looks at the card in her hand and laughs* Oh, this is a good one. How many kids are you gonna have?

Ellie - *sputters* W-what?

Asher - *confidently* Four.

Ellie - No! Don't you think it's too soon for that kind of a question? We've only been dating for what? A couple months? I'm just enjoying it right now and seeing where things go.

Asher - Four kids. *nods at Olivia*

Ellie - I said no. Four are too many. I'll have one. At most, two. But that's it.

Asher - *pouts at her* I want four.

Ellie - *sits straighter* It's two or nothing.

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