Chapter 7 & 8

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Chapter Seven

Human spirit is the ability to face the uncertainty of the future with curiosity and optimism. It is the belief that problems can be solved, differences resolved. It is a type of confidence. And it is fragile. It can be blackened by fear and superstition.Bernard Beckett

They were reconvened moments after the gong sounded. Quinn spotted Efost and gathered that the other one was Kreeno. He looked older than Efost, younger than Kau. His features were similar to those of his mentor, Kau: big, strong and in-your-face angry.

Kreeno was standing close to Kau, watching his every move with barely concealed admiration. Kau's physique and alleged battle skills were clearly cause for much hero-worship among the boys and ladies alike. The burden didn't seem too much for the overbearing Kau. However, whenever Quinn found himself in Kau's proximity, the guy scowled and seemed ready to attack...or was it defend? His obvious dislike of Quinn definitely contributed to the hostility Quinn was experiencing from some of the younger lot—hence, the surly vibes he had been sensing from Kreeno since entering.

He'd been blown away earlier when Kau so readily agreed to include him in the expedition, for he knew that there was no love lost between them from either side. Gersha had beseeched him earlier to give Kau a chance and Kau's devotion and loyalty to Zaqi were evident. Quinn suspected that it was the only reason Kau was willing to include him.

Zebbah had been standing off to one side, talking to someone Quinn didn't recognize. She was tall and sturdy next to Zebbah's average, lankier frame. Her features were tranquil to the point of being devoid of emotion. She nodded slowly at something Zebbah said, then looked him square in the eyes as if to check whether she had heard correctly. All the while her face remained impassive.

Zebbah stepped around her and to the center of the cavern. Everyone came forward immediately and Zebbah wasted no time to get down to business. They weren't seated this time, there was just too much energy in the room to permit it.

"I have asked Bahesi to assist us in the briefing. We need everyone to be aware of the dangers and know what to expect. This mission will be dangerous. We will cross areas none of us have been to before; places we have avoided for a reason."

Not waiting on opinions, Zebbah ploughed on. He clearly wanted to lay all his cards on the table before determining who wanted in or out. For now, everyone seemed content to hear him out. He started out by explaining about Nago's plans for a dam and the destruction of the forest. Then he went on by sharing what was revealed by Haraõ.

To ensure that there were no misunderstandings, Zebbah had switched to his native tongue and, as were her habit by now, Gersha translated for Quinn. Kreeno and Efost apparently understood a great deal of English, but Zebbah didn't want to risk everyone not knowing exactly what they signed up for. Were it not for the serious nature of the discussion, Efost and Kreeno's gob smacked expressions might have been comical.

The emotions playing across their faces ranged from amazement to utter bewilderment. At one stage Kreeno met Quinn's gaze and Kreeno belatedly attempted to mask his feelings.

So, that's how it's gonna be, tough guy, Quinn thought, refusing to break eye contact first.

He forced his attention back to the discussion when Zebbah signaled Bahesi and she positioned herself in the center of the circle.

"Show us, Bahesi." Zebbah said.

Bahesi closed her eyes and lifted her serene face. A particle, like a glowing speck of dust or a fire fly, appeared right above her head. It started moving, dancing above and around her head for a time before it split in two, again and again...After a while the glowing specks – now so many they couldn't be counted - became thin slivers of bright beams as they twirled and looped through the air wildly. The next instant they shot outward in an arch like fireworks . Quinn stood mesmerized until the beams simultaneously shattered into millions of colors, causing him to duck and cover his head. He was blinded for an instant.

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