The Unequivocally Romantic & Thoughtful Poetry of King Loki Laufeyson

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The royal archives keeper would like it known that King Loki insisted on the title of this account, and it does not reflect on the contents of the rest of the archives. He refuses to change it.

Poetry: From King Loki Laufeyson to her lady the Queen, Megan Laufeyson of the realms of Muspelheim and Niflheim.

This missive found deposited under Queen Megan's pillow:

There once was a girl from Midgard

Who was snatched right out of her yard

But rescue was had

By a most hansom lad

Now his praises are song by the bards

This missive passed to the Queen at Dinner during Midwinter festival and proclaimed by King Loki as "terribly romantic".

My darlingest, loveliest dear

I've but one thing to say, I fear

A most arduous task

I've but one thing to ask

My love, will you hand me a beer?

Letters passed between King and Queen Laufeyson during the meeting for the Minister of the Village of Arvid.

Darling Megan, I know you must find me stunningly handsome, but do try to concentrate. The minister is saying terribly important things. About...ducks? yes. I suppose ducks must be very important to the day to day running of the kingdom.

Dearest Loki, the minister means ducts, my dear. They're have trouble with the system of ducts.

Darling sweetums, Ah, well it could have been ducks, right? They're important too, don't you think? I wouldn't want them to feel left out of things. What do you think of geese? Do you think the minister thinks we're opening very important mail right now? I'll try to look solemn, like I'm writing a new law. Maybe a law about ducks.

Darling, Please do not write any laws concerning ducks. They really don't need to be regulated in any way.

But dearest pumpkin, we haven't written any new laws yet, though we've struck out quite a few. I think we need new ones. What about a "funny pants Saturday"? Where everyone must wear their funniest pair of pants on the weekend and you'll be chucked in jail if your pants are boring. Let me know what you think. 

Darling Loki, We're not writing laws about ducks or pants.

Dearest pookums, you're no fun at all. Also, you may not want to smile like that when you read these letters, remember, we're considering passing very serious laws right now. What are your thoughts on pandas? 

Loki darling, the minister is beginning to look rather put out. I'm going to assure you this is my last note. The ducts flooding are a very serious matter and it doesn't look quite right if I'm sitting here sniggering. I will return any notes unread.

Darling pumpkin-face, I shall miss you. I shall now have nobody to write to. Do you think I should send this to Erik? He's such a stuffed shirt, he never replies to my little notes. Look at him, standing beside us all serious-faced, so full of things like duty and respectability. What do you think his opinions on penguins are?

Dearest Erik-face, do you have any particular opinions on penguins?

No further notes have been found, and it is the opinion of this record keeper that "dearest Erik-face" never wrote back.

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