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Chapter Eight

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Clasping her hands before her, Gretchen couldn't help but notice the way her fingers trembled as she stood before Ethan's study, waiting for Jacob to announce her presence. She was almost certain he would be displeased by her disturbance, but she knew she couldn't leave the estate without first informing him of her need to run a few errands for a few hours while Ellie slept in the nursery.

She watched as Jacob made his way out of the study and held the door wide open for her to go in. Heaving a nervous breath, she straightened and nodded her appreciation before entering the large room.

Sitting behind a massive mahogany desk, Ethan raised his gaze to her as she approached, before rising to his feet in greeting.

"Miss Riverside." He bowed his head slightly.

"Lord Williams, I'm so sorry to barge in on you with such short notice," she began.

"No need. You're entitled to come here when you feel the need especially if it concerns Elizabeth." He walked around the desk and pulled out a seat for her.

"Thank you." She settled into the seat and waited for Ethan to be seated behind his desk before continuing. "I'm here to ask for permission to go into town. I'm in dire need of a few things and with the bulk of my luggage back in San Francisco and the rest in the home of a scoundrel, I'm plain worn out from having to borrow dresses from the maids. I believe it's time to have Sue make me a few dresses. I also need to have a package delivered to my parents back home. If it isn't too much trouble, I wouldn't be away for too long. Ellie's already been fed and put to bed for her mid-day nap. I should be back before she wakes up," she finished her rehearsed speech, praying desperately that the stoic man before her would be kind enough to permit her to leave the estate for a few hours.

"I believe you have been cooped in this house long enough to deserve a day off, Miss Riverside. I shall have Stanford drop you off wherever it is you need to go and I shall see to it that someone else see to Elizabeth's care until your return."

Stunned, she watched him – he was giving her the entire day off?! She could barely believe it! Perhaps her time off would finally afford her the opportunity to parade the city of London?!

A small smile crept up her face. "Thank you, Lord Williams," she squealed, rising to her feet, eager to begin her little adventure.

He rose to his feet as well, a smile on his face as she turned from him and made her way out of the door, excited.


Elizabeth was taking Gretchen's absence poorly. With the cries of a dissatisfied child echoing throughout the house, Ethan couldn't ignore it any longer. He rose to his feet and began his march to the nursery where he found a maid battling to calm the wailing child.

"Lord Williams," the maid's eyes pleaded for reprieve.

"You are excused, Victoria."

He waited until the maid was out the door before making his way to where Elizabeth sat crying in her crib.

"There, there precious." He picked her up in his arms and cradled her against his shoulder. Struggling against his hold on her, her angry cries intensified.

Ethan tightened his hold around her and led her into the adjoining balcony of the nursery. He placed himself on the rocking chair and settled Elizabeth in his laps.

"Miss Riverside shall be back shortly," he said, trying to reassure the child who was having none of it. "Would you like something to eat? Is that it, Elizabeth, are you hungry?" he asked, slightly concerned, even if he knew hunger was most likely the least of Elizabeth's problems. He imagined Victoria had fed her when she woke up that afternoon. He knew she wanted Gretchen and for a second he actually considered sending someone into town to find Gretchen and bring her back to the estate, but he thought better of it; it had been weeks since he last held Elizabeth in his arms and he knew he needed to spend some time with his daughter.

Ethan placed Elizabeth on the floor and sat with her. Pulling his pocket watch out, he dangled it before her eyes, succeeding in distracting her from her immediate need for Gretchen.

"See?" He smiled, dangling the watch before a now curious Elizabeth. "You want this, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth reached out with her chubby hands and tried to grab the watch. Her fingers barely brushed it when Ethan shifted back a little, a smile on his face. Elizabeth frowned but was quick to crawl towards Ethan and reach for the watch again. Ethan had to laugh at the baby's forgotten displeasure of her missing nanny and newly found mission of trying to take captive of the pocket watch.

Succeeding in capturing the watch after several attempts, she settled on the ground and began chewing on it.

Rising to his feet, he took her in his arms. Grinning, he threw her up in the air, his hands open to retrieve her. Elizabeth let out a delighted giggle as he threw her up once more, her short, black curly hair bouncing in the air.

Ethan spent his entire afternoon with Elizabeth. He took her on a slow horse ride through the entire property, fed her and told her a few stories he could remember from his childhood.

It was several more hours before Gretchen's return. Visibly ecstatic to see her nanny, Elizabeth struggled to get out of his arms and back into Gretchen's arms.

Slightly disappointed by Elizabeth's rejection, Ethan placed her in Gretchen's arms and ignored the stab of jealousy as he watched the two females sit across from him at dinner. It would appear to him that Gretchen had succeeded in stealing his infant's heart...

He just hoped she wasn't attempting to steal his heart as well.

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