03 | Temptation

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Hours passed as Iliana mended the nets. By the time the last frayed thread was secured into place with whipping twine, the sun had begun to fall. The fading light cast growing shadows over the abandoned deck. Moments like this were part of why she'd never regret her choice of crawling out of the gutters of Ephi. If she hadn't stowed away, sights like this would've been forever out of her grasp.

Iliana was enthralled.

No matter how long she sailed, the sunset would always steal her breath. There was a certain timeless beauty in the way the dying rays cast colors over the sea's rippling waves. The peaceful lap of water against the sides of the ship was enough to lure anyone into tranquility. Gods, if only she could find the words to explain the feeling to Artemios.

She didn't need a week to decide where she belonged. The very air itself seemed to call her name, telling her to make a life where the sea was her home. The faintest breeze played with her hair, casting the rough locks away from her eyes as she closed her eyes for just a moment. She tilted her face towards the fading light, enjoying the peace that filled her.

Some part of her wanted to stay seated until the entire scene had disappeared. Until the chill of the moonlit sea began to set into her bones, reminding her of her warm bunk. Most of her body echoed agreement. Exhaustion weighed on her limbs, reminding her of the frailty of this peace. After all, the main reason she was so tired laid in the tantrum the sea had thrown their way only a night ago.

She had a promise to keep, however. And the absence of other life on the deck meant it was time to keep it. Suppressing a groan, Iliana dragged herself to her feet and started for the nest's ladder.

When she dropped down next to Kain this time, he was far from asleep. In fact, he appeared frustratingly refreshed. Rather than curled up against the railing, he stood with his arms sprawled over the top of it. Despite her annoyance, Iliana couldn't help but note how... him, the view felt. Shadowed by the darkening sky, with his dark eyes focused on something unseen in the horizon. Her heart ached.

Why did time have to threaten this? Every fiber of Iliana's being clung to the memory of Artemios' offer. This week wouldn't be the last time they watched the sunset together. As she cemented that certainty in her unsettled thoughts, Kain turned his attention to her.

"You remembered," he said with a smile.

She nodded. Feeling as if a verbal response would take entirely too much energy, Iliana settled for dropping herself down next to him. Her head rested against the weathered wood, eyes settling on his face.

Kain laughed. "Sorry for keeping you up."

"It's no problem." She shrugged. "You're heading in soon, anyways, aren't you?"

"Nah," Kain said, shaking his head. "I convinced Captain to let me stay on for the night. My schedule would get thrown even further off if I went to sleep now."

"I see."

Silence fell between them following her reply. Despite having claimed he had something to talk about, Kain seemed content to stand next to her without a word. Iliana didn't mind it all that much, if she was honest. It was soothing. Just his presence eased the churning worries plaguing her mind. She yawned.

"I don't mind if you fall asleep up here," he said. "I can wake you when I retire. You just have to promise you won't complain about back pain tomorrow."

"Deal," she muttered, letting her eyes fall shut.

Once again, a comfortable quiet took over them. After several minutes had passed, however, Iliana began to pick up on the sound of Kain shifting from one foot to the other, then back again. She sighed.

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