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"No, I'm serious guys. I mean, zombie is just a stupid name that we came up with for a state of being that we don't understand," Jaedra insisted. Nora and Julie eyed her suspiciously. She had always been a bit of a dreamer, but this behaviour was stranger than her usual self.

"Yeah, okay," Nora said.

"Oh my god. What is wrong with me?" Jaedra sighed, running her hand through her hair. "Okay, I gotta tell you something. This I gonna sound weird, please to don't freak out."

"No, we won't," Julie said, curious.

"I think I actually miss him. I mean, he isn't the same as he was before, but it's still him, you know? He doesn't remember anything, but it's still the same R," Jaedra said.

"You ... you miss him? Like you're attracted to him? Like he could be your boyfriend. Your ... zombie boyfriend?" Nora laughed in disbelief. "I almost wish the internet was still working just so I could look up what's wrong with you."

"That's very funny but no, I mean - yes. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that? Of course, I'm attracted to him! He's my boyfriend ... ex-boyfriend," she exclaimed, mumbling the last words sadly.

"He's dead, Jade. He's a walking corpse. A zombie with his face," Nora said, trying to talk some sense into the girl sitting on the bed in front of her. Julie gasped, slapping her arm.

"Stop it, Nora. You know how painful it is for her to talk about what happened," Julie scolded. Nora sighed.

"Yeah, I know. I just figured she would you be over it," Nora replied.

"You do know that I am right here? I can hear you. And yes, I'm over it, Nora. Or, at least, I thought I was," Jaedra said.

"You are one confusing child, you know that?" Nora asked. Jaedra shook her head, laughing.

"I know. I feel insane," Jaedra sighed.

"You're both giving me a headache. I'm gonna hit the hay," Julie said, burying her head under the blankets. Nora yawned.

Jaedra stood up from the bed and walked out onto the balcony, leaving the two other girls on their own for some sleep. She had too many thoughts running around her head to fall asleep.

"Jaedra!" She heard someone whisper shout as she leant onto the railing.

"Jaedra!" It came again. She looked down, surprised at what she saw.

"R? What you are doing here?" She gasped, leant over the edge to look at him.

"I came to see you," he said. She was impressed by the lack of stuttering but still shocked he was there.

"R. You can't be here. It's dangerous!" She exclaimed quietly so the people inside wouldn't hear her.

"Carter, shut up, I'm trying to sleep," Nora called.

"Sorry," she said back."Jesus, R! Are you crazy? The people here aren't like me. If they see you, they'll kill you! You understand that, right?" She asked him.

"Yes," he replied, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

"Are you alone?" He asked.

"No!" She whispered.

"Seriously, what is going on here, Jaedra?" Julie asked, walking out onto the balcony with her. Jaedra tried to turn and keep her from seeing, but it was too late.

"Oh, my God! Is that him?" Julie asked. Nora rushed out to see what the commotion was.

"Yeah," Jaedra stretched out the word.

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