chapter 25

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Scarlets pov

I put on a black hoodie, black leggings,  black trainers, black gloves and had black guns and a black mask

Basically everything I was wearing was black

I grabbed swords as well and i headed outside since it was dark

Around 9 or 10 pm

I jumped on my bike and drove to the small cottage he was hiding in

I pulled up at one around 25 minutes later and to be honest it was kinda nice

Everything was made out of wood and had lights and it was all painted white

But too bad he's soon gonna die

I put my mask on and tied my hair up and started looking around the cottage since his front door was closed

I saw one of his window was opened and i jumped inside and the smell of alcohol and smoke hit my nose

I sighed and slowly walked to the living room and saw he was passed out holding a bottle

I smirked and made my way in front of him and he jerked up

'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU' he shouted

'Tsk tsk tsk not nice Riley' i said using his words he used before putting me in hospital and his eyes widened

'S-s-scarlet you were d-d-dead' he said and a small smirk tugged on my lips

'Well you tried to kill me but I'll make sure you WILL die and you will' i said pointing a gun at him and he brought out a sword

'Drop your gun and fight' he said and i dropped my gun and pulled out 2 of my swords

'Let's play bitch' i said and put my 1st in front and drove the other one at his stomach and it went in his stomach

'You bitch' he hissed

'Not so tough now are you' i said

'Why the fuck did you come back after a year how did u find me' he spat

'Cause you never changed your phone number you fucking dirty bastard' i hissed in his face and pulled out my sword from his belly and shoved it in again and he looked like he was constipated

Just then suddenly all the windows broke from the kitchen and the room and basically everything was btoken even the front door

I hid my face and hid behind the couch since all the people that came in made their way to Riley

'HOW THE FUCK DID HE DIE' Fuck that was Daniel

Blake and the rest found him

I eyed them and everyone started looking around


Fuck I need to stay hidden

Suddenly I felt arms grab onto my waist and pick me up and placed me over there shoulders

'NO PUT ME DOWN' i shouted and the person put me down in front of blake

'Take off your mask' he said and i put moved my face and someone gasped and i saw it was Eli

'Scarlet' he said

'Who is that' i said and moved back a bit and blake came forward

'I know it's you, look at your tattoos, piercings and mask' he said and i cursed

'Fuck' i said and someone took off my mask and i saw it was Zander and everyone gasped


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