Chapter 4

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Vanoss's POV

I walked out of my room silently. I still had no words for the current situation I was stuck in. I asked for the best guard the agency had to offer, and I was sent some little girl. I heaved an angry sigh as I walked into the living room.

"Hey, there he is! We were just talking about you!" Wildcat exclaimed as I entered the living room. The other guards weren't in there, they were probably sitting in their rooms.

"What were you saying?" I asked, though I knew they were talking about my guard (y/n).

"We were just saying you are really lucky," Nogla commented.

"Yeah, you get a cute girl to watch you 24/7 and we got stuck with men," Basically stated.

"I didn't even know the agency had females working for them," Delirious added.

"Even though she is cute, I don't feel safe with her being my guard," I mumbled.

"You should have more faith in the agency. They haven't let us down yet. Maybe she's actually really amazing," Lui said.

"Plus, you should thank the agency for giving you a cute body guard. They did good," Mini added and gave a thumbs up.

"You guys are not listening to a word I'm saying..." I grumbled.

"Whatever. Anyways, what are we doing for dinner. I'm starving," Wildcat put a hand to his stomach.

"We should probably stay here since we do have Phoenix after us," Basically said.

"That's true. Maybe we should order some pizza?" Lui asked.

I let them discuss dinner while I thought about what I should do. If (y/n) is going to guard me, I may end up guarding her instead. I can already tell this is going to be a headache.

"I'll call and order," I heard Wildcat say when I came out of my thoughts. He walked into the kitchen to call the pizza delivery place.

Just then, (y/n) walked into the room. She looked kind of tired as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"Hey," Mini Ladd waved.

"Hi," she said.

"So how are you?" Basically leaned closer.

"I'm okay. Just a little exhausted," she replied.

"Why are you tired?" Mini Ladd asked.

"Vanoss had me clean his room. It wasn't too messy, but I wanted to make sure it was spotless," she responded, sounding like she was straining to keep herself calm.

"You had your body guard clean your room?" Lui asked, a smirk forming on his face.

"I didn't know what to do. She asked for a task and I didn't really have one for her," I replied, and a few of the guys laughed in response.

"Then just tell her to take a break or something idiot," Basically laughed.

"Pizza is on its way," Wildcat came back into the room.

°<. Time Skip .>°

Once we finished eating dinner, we retired to bed. I prepared my bed on the floor as (y/n) took a shower in my bathroom. She finished and came into the room. She stopped and looked over at me before she got into bed.

"Why don't I sleep on the floor and you can take the bed?" she proposed.

"But you're the guest, and it would be rude of me to have you sleep on the floor," I responded.

"Yes, but I am willing to sleep on the floor. Plus, I am not entirely a 'guest' as I am just someone you hired to protect you," she remarked sharply.

"Maybe we need someone else's opinion. Clearly, neither of us are willing to change our opinions," I said.

She nodded her head in agreement, and we went to the living room to see if someone was still up. Typically, one or two of the guys would still be lingering after everyone else went to bed.

We found Wildcat drinking a beer and watching some TV. Of course, his guard Panda was also with him. They were both lazily sitting with a can of beer in their hands while staring at the TV.

"Heeeyy, Vanoss! Join us!" Wildcat had a big smile on his face.

"Maybe another day. I just needed to ask for your opinion," I replied.

"What do ya need?" he set his can down on the coffee table and looked at me.

"I am having (y/n) sleep in my bed while I sleep on the floor. She wants to switch places and sleep on the floor. What do you say we should do?" I hesitantly ask. I knew he was drunk, so I was prepared to reject whatever he said next.

"Why don't both of you sleep in the bed?" Wildcat asked. I was surprised that his suggestion wasn't totally stupid.

"Well, depends on how comfortable she is with the idea," I looked over to (y/n).

"I'm fine with it," she spoke with an expressionless face.

"There ya go, a dumb situation taken care of. You're welcome," he smiled again and took a bow, clearly very proud of the problem solving he just did.

We went back to my room and got into my bed. I was too awkward to say anything, so I just silently turned the lights off and went to bed.

(VanossxReader) Keep Your Guard Up °Complete°Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя