Chapter 11

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Over the last month, I've been busy plotting my attack on the Petrov family. The plan was to start with destroying his home and then killing off his family, one by one, so they'd know we were coming.

"You have a visitor."
"She won't say. I didn't really get a good look at her, but somehow she got past the gate. She asked for you."
"She? Let her in."

He nodded and opened the door to reveal a small blonde woman. She had a floppy hat, which hid a big portion of her face.

"Can I help you?"
"I think you can."

The woman removed the hat and her sunglasses.


She looked different. Her once dark brown hair is now blonde and her eyes are a deeper shade of blue, probably due to contacts she may be wearing.

"I need your help."
"Valeria, what are you doing here?"
"I ran away from home. I left Alexei. I didn't know where else to go."
"How'd you get past the gate?"
"I jumped.", she said as she stared up at me, searching for some kind of reaction. Anything to reassure herself that I still wanted her here.

"I have a meeting. We'll discuss this later. Giovanni, please escort Mrs. Petrova to one of the guest rooms."
"I'm not staying in your room?"
"No.", I said coldly.

Giovanni opened the door and began walking to where the guest rooms were, Valeria following behind him, but not before taking a final glance at me.


After finding my room, I sat in the middle of the bed. My legs are still sore from all the running and jumping. I really just wanted to be with Tony right now.  I can tell he was still hurting. I would be hurting too if roles were reversed. I mean, I told him I didn't want him and left with my husband.

God, the mere thought of Alexei sent chills across my body and filled me with disgust and regret. I should've run years ago. He stole so much time from me. He pretended to love me when all he wanted was my family's legacy.

After a few hours, I found myself growing more and more tired of waiting for Tony. I left my room and made my way to Tony's. I was about to twist the doorknob, when it suddenly opened, revealing a tall woman with long red hair. She wore a snobby grin when she saw me.

"Babe, you have company."

Babe? Who the fuck is babe? Did Tony already move on?

Tony appeared behind her, wearing only his boxers. His eyes slightly widened before he grinned at me.

"Oh, Alissa, this is Valeria. Valeria, this is Alissa. Valeria will be staying here for a few days."

She nodded and turned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I have to get going. Give me a call, okay?", she said, kissing him before turning to me with a smirk.

"Bye Valerie."
"Valeria.", I said harshly.

She shrugged and left the room, brushing against my shoulder as she walked out.

"How'd your 'meeting' go?"
"Is she the reason I'm not staying in here?"

He studied my face, but I showed no emotions. My eyes began to wonder at his fit physique.

"Can you put some clothes on?"
"Valeria, did you need something?"
"I needed to talk to you about us."
"Like you said 'there is no us. There never was.' I've accepted it and moved on."
"I haven't. I didn't mean any of those words. I was trying to-"

"Protect me?", he said while laughing.
"You abandoned me. You broke me. I'm never going to give you the chance to make me feel like that again.", he finished as he glared at me.

"He would've killed you."
"That would've been better than losing you."
"Tony, I don't know what I would've done if you were killed because of me. I could never forgive myself."

He laughed at my words and shook his head.

"You only care about yourself. Get out, Valeria."
"Tony, I'm not going anywhere. Not until we-"
"I said go. I won't keep repeating myself."
"I'm not g-"

I paused when I realized a gun was pointed at me.

"Tony, you can't do this."
"You don't know what I can do."
"Tony, put the damn gun down."

He stepped closer to me.

"I've been through hell because of you."
"Tony, we both know you're not going to pull that trigger."
"And why is that?"
"Because you love me and you're not gonna kill me."

He withdrew his gun. 

"I want to be alone."

I nodded and left his room.

I went back to the room I was in before to see Giovanni waiting for me.

"Can I help you?"
"Yes. You can help me. Why did you come back?"
"I had nowhere else to go."
"What about your parents? Siblings?"
"My Mom died from Cancer when I was 8. My father was murdered a few years ago. I'm an only child. I have no other family."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"How could you know? You've been too busy running from your past."

"Excuse me?", he asked as he walked closer until he was towering over me.

"You look just like your brother. Victor told me all about you. About how you're a traitor and how you were disowned from your own family."

Giovanni leaned down until his face was centimeters away from my own.

"You shut your damn mouth. You don't know anything about me."
"You're right. I don't. I'll keep your secret on one condition."
"What do you want?"
"The last time I was here, I would always overhear you telling everyone to not trust me because I'm a Petrova. Now that I'm back, I want to be treated as an Andiacchi. "

He thought about it for a second.


We shook hands and he left me alone in the room. I decided to take a quick shower.


I love her. How could I be so stupid? I fell in love with Valeria.  A month ago, I wanted her dead, and now I just want to hold her. It's been hard without her. I barely slept, while she was gone.

I'm so stupid. She saw Alissa and I. She's nothing to me. She was my distraction.

A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts. I opened it to reveal a naked Valeria.


"What are you doing?"
"I felt bad about our fight. I wanted to make it up to you if that's okay with you."
"You walked from your room to mine, completely naked?"
"Yes. Is that a problem?"
"Yes, it is. I'm the only one who sees you like this.", I said while gently tugging on her bottom lip.

I scooped her up in my arms, kissing her passionately. I kicked the door shut.

"Valeria, what am I going to do with you?", I said with a chuckle.
"I have a few ideas."

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