Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Esme fanned her face violently as they marched through the sodden earth. The sun was still high, despite it being now late afternoon, and her legs hurt from the ridiculous amount of walking they had done. Fox was determined to keep her going though, avoiding the roads until they were a safe distance from the freight yard. He wanted to be sure they had left without tipping off the White Wizards to their presence.

It was hot. Very hot. And at first the earth had been dry underfoot as they followed the carved-out backroads that slipped through farmland and flat meadows. Slowly the earth became boggy and thick and fat trees covered in lichen began to multiply. By the time dusk was growing, they were in the middle of a vast marsh.

Esme hated it. It stank to high heaven, her boots were covered in filthy slush, midges swarmed her and her body was sweltering from the muggy heat. Absolon was attached to her head like an unhappy, deflated balloon. She much preferred the dry heat. She could cope with that.

Fox didn't seem too bothered. Despite his fluffy hair losing its volume and his clothes now sticking to his back, he continued onwards. She was too tired to feel impressed.

Fox suddenly stopped, holding up his hand to her, and hunkered down. She followed suit and wrinkled her nose as she felt her boots stick deeper into the mud. She looked up, waving away a small cloud of midges from her face, and gazed to her Fox pointed.

Further up the largest road they had been following was a police blockade. A single car was flashing its colours while a couple of policemen were sitting, drinking water and playing a card game.

'Are they looking for me?' Esme asked as she nervously made sure her hat was covering her black hair. She really didn't like that the glamour had gone. It worked so well.

Fox shook his head though, rubbing away some sweat from the back of his neck. 'Nah. Too relaxed and we're getting' close to Farmire.' He said just as a car came putting up the road.

Instantly the police stood up and waved for the car to stop. A few moments of talking to the driver, the car turned and drove back up the road.

'Seems they're keepin' people from entering Farmire. The sickness must be gettin' bad.'

'Should be stay away then?' Esme asked. She didn't want to get sick, she had to remain healthy if she wanted to reach the Granite Tower.

'Safest route through. Everyone's assumin' you'll go around if you head this way.'

Esme frowned then sighed heavily. 'The White Wizards seem to be everywhere then.'

'That's what Warbler said. Every Tower is hunting you down.'

'So nowhere in this country is safe.'

'Not really.'

She sighed again. The scope of the danger just never felt real, not until now. Even though she had travelled miles and miles away from the Ivory Tower and entered different County, the White Wizards still hunted her. She was still known as the Grand Wizard's murderer.

Fox slapped her arm with the back of his hand in annoyance. 'Look, don't go mopin' now. We knew this which is why Warbler told us to come here. They're too focused on this growing epidemic. We just swan through, end of.'

He was giving her a firm stare, one that made her go a little pink. His expressions had

'Will Wizards be there?'

'Yeah but not White ones. Healing ones apparently.'

Esme bobbed her head and rubbed her neck, pushing away midges and sweat. 'I just want to find somewhere safe to sleep.' She said as she glanced around. If this wasn't a swamp, she'd be happy to curl up somewhere and sleep beneath the stars, but lying in warm, bug infested slush was not appealing to her at all. She may have been learning to give up some luxuries but Esme had her limits.

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