Chapter Fourteen.

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Anya's P.O.V.

"Oh no Anyaaa! What the hell were you thinking when you kissed him."

I was walking back and forth, and scolding myself for doing that stupid act.

I am stupid!

Zayd is right, he calls me stupid because he knows that i am stupid.

Just then the door of the hut opened and Aisha walked in.
"Whoa! Anya! Why are you getting hyper?"

I halted my steps and shook my head.
She continued," Anyway we gotta go."
I nodded and we were just walking out when she spoke," you should consider yourself lucky, you know?"

I tilted my head in her direction and asked," How?"
She laughed throwing her head back and said," Because you got my brother who loves you alot."

Zayd and loving me?

His acting is so original that she thinks he loves me?

Love! Does he?
But if he did he would have kissed me back yeah?
Snap out Anya!
What are you thinking?
You guys are fake remember?
Zayd is nothing but your enemy.
They boy who did nothing to you other than insult you ever since childhood.

I smiled at Aisha and said," well you got Arjun, he loves you more than you know."
She nodded and said," i agree but..."
"But?" I asked.

"But not as much as Zayd loves you."
I smiled and said," and how do you know that?"
"I know because he is my brother, I know his behaviours and his habits, I can differentiate those actions when he is with you."
"And what are the differences you noticed?" I asked.
Now eager to know.

She smiled and said," eager are we?"
I rolled my eyes.
"First, he doesn't like anyone touching touching him."
But... he let me touch him like by hugging him, by holding his arm which I just did before when his father was in the room.
I don't believe her.

"I don't-" i was cut by Aisha "i know you don't believe me. But he only let's you to touch him."

We were now getting closer to where Zayd's father, Zayd and Arjun were standing.
Seeing Arjun my smile widened.
Atleast someone whom I know is here even if my mum is not around.

I felt a little stab in my heart, I smiled at Arjun and then my smile faded and my eye brows scrunched up.
Cause I realised it was because of him that I was stuck in this jungle or village or whatever it is with the asshole.

Arjun just smiled at me, I stood beside Zayd.
"Oh Zayd! Alhamdulillah you are safe." Came the voice of Sakina Aunt aka Zayd and Aisha's Ammi.
My eyes felt a little teary seeing the motherly affection in her eyes for Zayd.

I wonder why my mum was not around.


I was now at my place.
And my mum was not around, I only got her note stuck on the fridge stating.

"Anu, will be out for few days, gone for important work, take care.

I doubt that she even knows i was not home for a whole of one day and a half.
I changed into my comfortable clothes dumping the Saree in a corner of my room somewhere and slept.

I hope by the time I wake up from sleep....all this is a nightmare.
Making the asshole of an enemy to be my fake boyfriend, agreeing with that dare, getting lost in a jungle, getting married, almost kissing the asshole.i just hope this all is a nightmare.

I hope that when I wake up, am still enemy with the asshole, and Arjun still follows our tradition.
Cause the way my heart has been acting recently seems all fishy to me.
Seems that he has been wanting to betray my crush of childhood.

Zayd's P.O.V.

I know what Anya must be feeling right now.

What kind of boyfriend I am?
Wait! But am not her boyfriend.
It was fake.
But the marriage?
No! I don't believe in that either..
According to our religion, marriage is after nikkah.
In order to be married in Islamic way, we need witnesses.
And since there were so many people there. They can say they witnessed our wedding.
Allah! Zayd! Think of another way to make sure you don't believe in this marriage.

According to Islamic way, the bride and the groom should both be happy with the marriage.
Yes! Finally! This marriage is not accepted cause neither Anya nor I had agreed for this marriage.

I was just smiling at my own thought when Aisha coughed to bring me back to the earth.

I shook my head and looked at her.
She was smiling evilly.
"What?" I asked.
She shook her head and said," now that you have stopped day dreaming about you and Anya then dad wants to talk to you."

"I wasn't daydreaming about Anya." I justified but she just rolled her eyes and left the room.
I passed a hand through my hair and took a deep breath to get ready for facing my dad.

He is not strict but when it comes to his principles he becomes strict.
And i for sure broke one of his principle by sleeping on the same bed with Anya.

I headed towards the living room, a place where he does all his meetings with us, me and Aisha.

I greeted him,"Assalam aleikum."

"Waleikum salaam Zayd," He replied.
I sat on the sofa facing him.

He looked at me and spoke," what's happening?"
I knew what he was asking about but I still said," Nothing."
"I hope so it's nothing, cause I would never want my daughter-in-law to be Anya." He spoke.

" Anya? Why is that?" I asked curious as to what his reply will be.
Not that I wanted Anya to be his daughter-in-law either but...but hell do I have a reason?

I can't believe am here having conversation with my dad about Anya.
"Why are you asking? You like her?" He asked.
I was startled at his straightforwardness of his question.
My dad and i have never spoken openly.
None of them in the family know about the incident that happened to me in high school.

I shook my head and said," am just curious and no i don't like her."
I had to say it after a good amount of thinking, couldn't risk knowing his answer.

"Then i don't think it's necessary for you to know." He answered.
At that time, I wished I lied.
I wished I had said that I love her, I love Anya then maybe only then he would have answered not only mine but also Aisha's question.

He has always disliked Anya, ever since we were small.
He always warned us not to bring Anya home, or infront of him.

The other day when Anya came home to tell me about her fake boyfriend.
I rushed her out of the house cause it was already time for dad to come home.
And as he had warned us, we made sure not to make him angry.

He then stood up and said before going to his room," well am not saying you can't be friends with her, but maintain your distance. I wouldn't want you to fall for the girl you are not meant to be with."

I nodded at his words, and thought over it.

Friends with her? But i have always been her enemy.
And an enemy can not fall for his enemy.
So I will make sure am never friends with her.
Cause then friends can fall for each other and i don't want that to happen.


So here is next update...leave your reviews...and do correct any mistakes you see...

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