Chapter 23

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Draen's PoV

I awaken when the sun hits my face from the skylight above. My eyes flicker open for a moment, shutting when the morning light assaults them. I don't move from the position I slept in. I try again, giving them ample time to adjust before I examine the room. There are still pillows strewn about on the floor along with both Astoria's and my own tunics.

At some point in the night, I must have rolled on my side as I now face Astoria, one of my arms slung over her small waist. Her skin is warm underneath my arm. She curled into my during the night, her legs tangled with my own. I look at the pirate's face, her breathing is easy. Her blond hair fans out behind her and seems to shine as the sun strikes it. As if she can feel my gaze, the pirate's eyes shutter open and lock with my own. She starts upon seeing me, blinking once, twice, three times.

"Your arm seems to be on my waist, Prince," she whispers and I give her a lazy, male grin. I watch as a small blush blooms on her cheeks, just the slightest tint of pink, so small that the only reason I notice is because of our close proximity.

"Your legs seem to be tangled with mine, Princess," I reply and watch the small tint of pink grow as her face flushes. My grin grows into a smile at her discomfort. The pirate begins to detach herself from my legs and rolls over. She throws the covers off and stretches her back before glancing over her shoulder at me with a little frown on her face. She shakes her head at me before bending down to pick up her discarded tunic and putting it on. She then puts on her boots and laces them up with an efficient tug, almost as if the action is muscle memory -- I'm sure based on how often she wears them it is muscle memory by now. She continues to peer at my through the whole process, the frown on her face deepening every so often.

Once she is satisfied that her clothes are in order, Astoria struts over to the doorway and pauses. Her spine seems to become rigid and her shoulders tighten. "Thank you... for last night, Draen," she says, not looking at me, before striding into the kitchen area. My smile falls from my face and I swallow the lump in my throat, but she is already gone before I can respond.

I sit up in bed and scrub my face with my hands, groaning as my sore muscles bark in pain when I stand. I shuffle over to my shirt and pull it on, grunting as I have to bend down and lace up my boots. I shake out my legs and walk into the kitchen. The pirate is not in here and neither is her pack. I pick up my pace as I exit the small cottage, using one of my hands to shield my eyes from the sun.

Astoria stands at the edge of the volcano, looking out over the city far below and the sea far beyond. There is a mist rising off the city, it feels like we are standing in the clouds. No, above the clouds. Astoria has her pack on and the bottles of water sit on the ground beside her. She has her hands on her hips and I watch her take a deep breath of mountain air. I quietly walk over to her as to not disturb her thoughts, my hands clasped behind my back.

I stand next to the pirate now, gazing just as she is. I look through the mist to the city where I can just make out the slightest movement which must be people beginning their days work. I don't look at the pirate, keeping my eyes glued ahead, as I say "you're welcome for last night... Captain."

She glances at me out of the corner of her eye and I notice her throat bob ever so slightly before she picks up the water bottles and two tins that I hadn't noticed sitting there. She hands me one of each and pops the lid off her tin. Inside are various nuts, dried fruits, and I think chocolate. "Breakfast," she shrugs as she tosses a handful into her mouth. I slip the lid off my own and follow suit.

Once finished, Astoria takes the tins and sort of just shoves them into the pack wherever they fit. After slinging it back over her shoulders, the pirate begins shimmying down the smooth face of the mountain. I gulp as I watch her go, nerves beginning to boil. Going up is one thing... going down is a whole different beast. There are infinitely more ways to fall and die, I'm pretty sure. I hear the pirate clap her hands together and wipe the stone dust off them. I peer over the edge on my hands and knees to see her looking up with a little grin on her face and arms crossed over her chest. She cocks her head and raises an eyebrow at me, I scowl in response as I draw my head back and out of her sight.

"If you fall," she calls up to me, "I promise I'll catch you." I stick my hand out over the edge so she can see my vulgar gesture. Her laugh rings out, a clear, pure sound. It warms my heart a little but does nothing to calm the rapid beating in my chest. I ease myself over the edge, feeling slight panic until my foot finds an outcropping to rest on. The panic continues as I scramble down, only stopping once I feel solid ground below me and I sigh.

That becomes the first half of my day, panic rising as I stand on the edge of a drop off and it continues to spike while I climb down. It then stops as the hike begins. My heart rate returning to normal until I can see the next drop off and the whole cycle starts anew. I hate it but I also love it. The feeling of adrenaline mixing with fear for my life creates this almost euphoric high which should, probably, concern me more than it does. Maybe this is how Astoria feels too, maybe this is the feeling she gets when she and her crew perform a raid. Maybe not, though, but I feel like I could die from the feeling alone.

When the last flat face of the is finally behind us, Astoria smirks at me with a devilish smile as she pushes off from her spot leaning against the stone. She starts to hum a little before she says "race you home!" While taking off at a dead sprint. It takes me a moment to register what she just said. I curse colorfully under my breath as I bolt after her. I see her skid around a bend before she disappears amid the small forest, the tall trees swallowing her up. Seconds later, I dart into the trees myself.

Every time I feel like I am getting close to the pirate, she seems to push herself a little faster, her blond hair always snapping just out of reach. A playful glint shines in her eyes as she looks back at me. I glare back and try and catch her, her eyebrows raise in an amused surprise before she turns forward and hurtles out of the trees. Her house comes into view with the recession of the forest and I see Amma standing outside, a hand blocking the sun from her eyes as she squints at the tree line. When she spots us running, a bewildered look plasters itself on her face.

"Move! Amma! Get... go... move!" I hear Astoria practically squeal as I get closer. She is breathing hard, as am I, as we race to the house, everything else becoming a blur around us.

"I was wondering whe-- what do you me-- shit," Amma says, jumping out of the way just before we sprint past her. Astoria dives through the door and rolls to her feet, whirling around with a triumphant gleam in her eyes right as I crash into her, tackling the pirate to the ground.

We hit the floor in the living room and Astoria starts cackling, griping her stomach as tears stream down her face. I brace my hands on either side of her head, still on top.

"You... cheated!" I hiss between gasps for air. This only sets the pirate laughing harder. She calms down eventually, wiping a few stray tears from her eyes as the last string of laughter finally subsides. Her head falls back onto the carpet as she sighs, staring up at the ceiling. The pirates eyes snap back to mine, as if just now noticing the position we are in. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks, the heat searing me. The pirate places her hands on my chest and shoves me off as she stands. I stumble to my feet right behind her as Amma comes into the room. She gives Astoria a look and the pirate just shrugs in response.

"Now that you're done trying to kill me, I was going to say that I had been wondering when you would be back," Amma says with her hands on her hips and a modestly outraged look in her eyes.

"I'm back," she says which only sets Amma into more of a fury. She is about to begin scolding Astoria when the captain cuts her off with a hug. "I raise anchor before noon, you aren't allowed to be mad at me." My ears don't fail to catch that, raising anchor and soon.

Amma gives her an exasperated sigh before whining "but you just got here!"

"I know, but the sea calls. There is pirating to be done!" Astoria says, tossing her friend a wink as she pulls away. Amma nods -- though I can tell she doesn't like it -- before she ambles down a hall, leaving the pirate and I alone once again.

"So," I start. "Where are we sailing?" I ask her. Astoria looks at me with a wicked sort of delight that, to be frank, frightens me.


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