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31. King Mordred

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Meanwhile, far out at sea, a tall, powerful man who looked no older than twenty-two years old stood on the wooden deck of the United Island's royal ship. The man wore a tailored three-piece suit made from the finest materials in all the lands and wore a fat amber ring on his forefinger that he had a habit of twisting when he found himself profoundly bored.

Over his black suit, he wore a robe made from purple silk-velvet that it trailed behind him like a rippling river as he walked along the deck. Each step he took made everyone onboard tense in fear.

There was a disgusted look on the man's usually relaxed and handsome face, as the intoxicating smell of fish dominated his senses. He hated the smell of fish, and he hated the feel of the sea breeze against his face. Everything about the sea reminded him of his younger sister, and he hated his sister.

He would rather be back at Meridian Island, ruling his government. However, he had come out to sea in search of his Red Flower who had escaped from him two years ago during the great fire of Solaria City on Sunrise Island. His Spy had sent word that his Red Flower was living on Harvest Island, and so that was where he was heading.

Not only that, he had sensed a power he hadn't sensed in a very long time, a power he'd long thought dead. He'd felt it for just a couple of minutes before it disappeared, and the remaining energy brought him here where the scent had ended.

He looked down at the smelly pirate crew. The navy had caught them and tied them down to his deck. All of them were shaking with terrified looks in their petrified eyes, like they had seen something they had never seen before and it had them running scared.

Their ship was just as broken as the pirates that once sailed it, falling to pieces and barely floating on the surface of the water. So this was the wrath of Mad Man Levon.

He didn't expect such a rookie pirate to be this powerful, but he had demolished them like they were nothing but scraps for the taking. His actions made the navy's job so much easier when capturing and arresting the now ex-Pirate Lord, Madame Cheng, and her crew.

"King Mordred." A sailor kneeled down in front of his king.

"Yes," Mordred said, but his sharp yellow eyes never left the horizon. They were in search of the one who had used the magical power he could still sense lingering in the air. He half expected the source of the power to pop out at any moment and kill him.

But he couldn't think such thoughts. He was the Immortal King, and he could not be killed. Unless it was that particular magical power, which didn't make sense to the King. He'd disposed of that power a very long time ago.

"Madame Cheng is finally awake down in the brig, Your Majesty." The sailor took him out from his deep thoughts.

The king flashed a glare down upon the trembling sailor.

"Then bring her up on deck. I would like a word with her."

The sailor nodded and scurried off. Mordred once again strode across the deck and headed towards his golden throne, which the navy had provided for him. He slumped back on his chair and stroked the head of a black female feline curled up in a ball fast asleep next to his feet.

There suddenly came a commotion as the sailors bickered amongst themselves as they brought the prisoner up on deck. As usual, it was the captain of the ship making a fuss over nothing. The King thought of the captain as an old fool. He had served his time well as the naval captain to His Majesty's ship, but it was time for him to retire and for fresh blood to take over.

"Your Majesty, I must protest. I cannot allow you to talk with the prisoner. She is foul-mouthed and will disrespect you."

Mordred glared down upon the captain that dared to defy him, the king.

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