Chapter 19

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Lyras POV ~

I woke up in hospital, Emily and Logan leaning over my bed. I looked at them and their glum faces left them when they realised i was awake.

Logan Embraced me into a hug Emily began to snuggle in between.
"I thought i lost you..." He muttered into my hair through tears. I laughed at him
"You can't loose my that easy!" I giggled.

"Is mummy okay now, can mummy come home?" Emily asked, her voice shaken.
"Not yet Em, but soon... for now tell me! how was your first day at school?" I wished to know because i never got that chance to.

"Mummy that was last month..." She muttered. "I told you then when you where sleepy!"
Suddenly the world began to shut of again. I had missed a whole month! No wonder Logan was so happy i was alive.

"Just so you know we found out who did it. Y-Your dad... he's back.... It wasn't pups like Jayden though but worse..." Logan stuttered.
I looked at him in disbelief, he knew my dad hated me but to go to the extent of trying to kill me, i never thought he had the guts.

"Jackass...." I muttered under my breath.
"Emily has been living with Ryan for the past month, you see i couldn't juggle her around work and all..." He told me.
"Okay." was all i could say

1 month just kept flowing through my mind.
"Auntie Lunar has even let me named their baby!" Emily squealed. How could i stay sad when my little Emily was here.

I hugged her.
"And what name did you pick?" I asked her, already knowing the answer.
"Thomas!" She laughed. I pulled her into my hip and hugged her again.

"You know i love that name!" She told me with a slight sigh.
"We best leave mummy to rest, she needs it" Logan told Emily.
"No i want her to stay Logan...." I muttered.
"Okay just 5 more minutes then...." He sighed with a small laugh.


Once Emily and Logan had left i snuggled into the bed and decided to assess my wounds. I had a slight pain in my head and my right side i couldn't move to well.

It was okay though, I knew i could get better, being a werewolf and all but for now i had to sleep....

Sorry it's very short but i know u guys just wanna know if Lyra is okay and Alive

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