Chapter 18

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"I want you to teach me how to fight!" Erik said suddenly, as we devoured a meal of mutton and oats. I finished swallowing my mouthful before turning to him.

"I'm not a teacher," I told him simply, continuing to eat as if nothing had happened.

As expected, it wasn't enough to deter him.

"But you teach Siegfried," He complained. "I see you two training all the time. What's one more student?"

"Siegfried and I already know how to fight," I said. "Training helps us improve. You, on the other hand, know nothing about swordplay. I'd have to teach you everything from the beginning." And gods know I don't have the patience for it.

"Please," Erik said emphatically. "If I don't know how to fight, how am I supposed to free Ingrid from the trolls?"

I choked on my ale and scowled at him.

"Who said you were coming on the search party for Ingrid?" I asked.

"I did. I can make my own decisions."

"Not if your commander says you can't. And I say you're not going."

He opened his mouth once more to protest but I gave him my ugliest, most terrifying glare and he bit back his words. Clenching his fists, he stormed out of the hall.

I'd been a bit harsh on him, but I was only being realistic. If I couldn't handle a single troll, how could I expect a greenhorn boy without any training to fare? I was saving that boy's life.

I arrived in the training yard later that day prepared to work on my sword technique. It was difficult to learn, much more difficult than I would have expected. Anyone could grow to be strong through training, exercises, and dedication. But to be a truly talented swordsman was like an art, something that had to be painstakingly honed and improved until it was something beautiful. It didn't come quite as naturally to me, but I felt like Siegfried's lessons were helping me progress somewhat.

Siegfried hadn't arrived yet, so I began my standard routine of warmups, practicing different moves I had recently learned. My sword moved swiftly, cutting through the air with every strike. Soon you will be tested by a real battle, I told myself. You must be ready.

I stopped and turned at the sound of footsteps approaching.

"What do you think you're doing here?" I asked. Erik followed in behind Siegfried, looking infuriatingly smug.

"Siegfried said I could train with you," He said, puffing up his chest.

I turned my gaze to Siegfried, who shrugged.

"I said he could watch and try to follow along," He said. "I don't see the harm in it."

I sighed heavily.

"Fine," I said. I tossed a sword and shield at Erik's feet. Grinning, he immediately bent to pick them up. "Let's see if you can keep up."

I didn't make the training regiment any harder than usual- I didn't need to. As it was Erik strained to keep up, and within ten minutes he was sweating hard. His relief was palpable when my section of the training ended and Siegfried's began.

We continued work on a move that Siegfried had begun to teach me the other day, a clever trick to disarm your opponent. It was difficult, but I was getting the hang of it. I'd yet to pull it off against Siegfried, though.

Erik copied Siegfried's motions with a shaky stance, weak grip, and overall abysmal form. I sighed in exasperation. If we were going to teach the lad, we might as well do it right.

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