Chapter 16

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The picture of Cassie------->

The next few days passed uneventful. I avoided spending time with Noah as much as possible. I drove in my car every day. Noah didn’t like the idea much but didn’t say anything. I was able to stay away from him for the whole day but he still came home every day for dinner. The two hours he spent with me after school was the only time we are together. I miss him but it’s easier this way. Whenever I see Cassie and Noah together I still feel sad and jealous but at least I have it under control.

Everyone had planned to go and see a movie tonight during lunch. I didn’t want to go but they all forced me to come. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I stood in front of my closet like always deciding what to wear. I pulled on a pair of blue skinny jeans and my purple color tank top. My phone started ringing.  I picked it up and looked at the caller id. It was Will.

“Hello.” I said.

“Hi. I will pick you up for the movie today. We can go together.” He said.

Actually that’s not a bad idea. “Ok.” I said

“I hope you are ready. I am on my way.” He said cheerfully.

“I am ready. See you.” I said and hung up.

For past few days I had been spending time with Will. He was the only one who knew everything. Whenever I felt sad or lonely, he would always cheer me up. I had never noticed this before but we actually had a lot in common. I had fun with him. When I was with him I didn’t think much about Noah and his stupid girlfriend.

There was a knock on the door. I knew it was Will. He was very punctual. I opened the door to see Will smiling at me happily. He was looking nice today. “Hi.” I said happily.

He brought his one hand from behind his back and handed me a bunch of yellow roses. He is so sweet. I took them and smelled them. “Thank you. They are beautiful. Come inside till I put them in a vase.” I said opening the door more and moving away so he could come inside.

We made our way to the lounge. “I will be right back.” I said and went to the kitchen. I removed a vas from under the sink and filled it with water. I arranged the bunch of roses properly and when I was satisfied I made my way back to the lounge with the vase in my hand. I placed it on the coffee table and smiled at myself proudly.

Will was sitting in the couch observing me. “You ready to go?” He asked getting up from the couch and waiting in front of me.

“Yeah. Just one minute, I need to take my purse.” I said running upstairs. I grabbed my purse quickly and made my way down. Will was already waiting near the door.

 We made our way quietly to his car. He never opened the door for me like Noah but I didn’t mind. He started the car and we sped off the driveway. “You are looking nice today.” Will said not even glancing at me.

He can be so shy sometimes. “Thanks. You look good too.” I said honestly. He was 6 foot tall and well built. Not very muscular but still just enough. He had blond hair which was always messy and cute green eyes. He looked nice, not in a total hot way like Noah but still good.

We drove in silence after that. It was not an awkward silence but just a little uncomfortable. We reached the theater and made our way to our friends. Rachel was standing tapping her foot impatiently. When she saw us she relaxed a little.

“What took you so long? The movie starts in fifteen minutes and I already bought the tickets. Where the hell is Noah and Cassie?” She asked glaring at everyone.

Rosie sighed.  Amber just giggled which made Rachel even angrier. “Relax. They will be here soon. Don’t worry we won’t miss the beginning.” Liam said trying not to laugh.

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