~Chapter Ten~

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"What's wrong?" Layton asked, walking into the bathroom. Lexi was standing in her bikini putting makeup on. He had to stop himself form staring.

"Nothing is wrong, Layton. Im just getting ready." She told him with a slight attitude. She wasn't in the mood to socialise.

"Something's wrong... I can tell.."

"Nothing is wrong. Please, just meet me downstairs."

"You don't need to wear makeup, especially as you're going in the pool." He told her.

"I might just get dressed..." She told him. "You can take the kids in the pool, they'll love it."

"What's wrong..?" He asked again.

"Nothing is fucking wrong Layton!" She turned to him and raised her voice a little. "I just want to be at home." She was close to tears.

"Come here." He wrapped his arms round her and she cried into his shirt. He rubbed her back, and rocked her lightly, kissing her head.

"It's okay." He told her.

"It's not okay though, is it?...Why the fuck am I crying?" She didn't pull away from his embrace and they stood there in the bathroom for a while.

He let go off her and walked round to the sink, taking a makeup wipe and making her look at him. He kissed both of her cheeks, which were damp from her tears, and wiped off the smudged makeup from her precious face.

"Is it my parents house you don't like?" He asked, as he continued.

She shook her head.

"Is it my house?" He asked, slightly more worried.

"No." She told him, still sounding a little upset. "I've never been away from my house... I just feel weird."

"Let's go back home, and we'll have a cuddle day? Okay? We can just relax and watch movies. Do whatever you want to.. okay?" He told her.

He kissed her cheek again, putting the makeup wipe down. "You really don't need makeup." He said, putting his hand on her cheek and admiring her softly with ravenous eyes.

He had to force himself not to look any lower...

"I think you should go in the pool with the kids... They're going to be disappointed if you don't.. I'm just going to get dressed and I'll come and sit outside." She told him, changing the subject.

"Okay." He took his hand away. "We'll stay for lunch and then head home, hmm?" He checked and she nodded.

It was sunny and bright outside, so she changed into loose shorts and a vest top, watching Layton and his twin siblings in the pool.

"I'm gonna get youuu." Layton told Simon, swimming after him in the pool. Rubie jumped in infront of him and was lifted into his arms, being catapulted back into the water.

He played with them for a few hours, but eventually they all got cold and came inside. They both packed their bags and loaded them into the car.

"LUNCH." Their mother shouted. The kids all came running downstairs and Layton led Lexi back to the dining room table.

They ate mostly in silence.

"It was lovely for you to stay, we'll have to bring the kids to sleep when you have your ceremony... I suspect that won't be too long away?" His mum asked.

"No, but we'll wait until we're both ready.. I think we'll introduce you soon..." He suggested, she nodded lightly.

He could tell she was still a little quiet than normal, he put his hand into hers under the table.

"I'll give you an advanced warning." He told her.

"I suspect Tyler will be able to come too.. he was going to be here, Lexi. But he went away for a few days with a couple of his friends. We don't usually say no, he's old enough to do his own thing." She explained.

"That's alright.. thank you for lunch." Lexi said quietly, squeezing Laytons hand.

"You're welcome, anytime." She said smiling.

They said their goodbyes and made their way to the car, Layton hopped into the driver's seat and they put on their seat belts.

They drove for a little while without saying much, but eventually started speaking.

"I know you don't feel 100% but you did so well today.. I hadn't thought about how over-whelming this might be for you... Maybe taking you to my parents this early wasn't a good idea." He said.

"It's not that we went to your parents.. It's just.. I'm not used to being able to sleep, and go out, and do what I like... I'm usually helping mum with the kids... Or getting hurt." She said slowly.

He put his hand out and she took it.

"I think that's why my brain is telling me to take things slow... With ... You."

"You know I will wait... I'm not going to rush you inot anything you don't want to do... Whether that's sexual stuff, or pack work, or meetings or introductions... I'm not forcing you into anything... You need time and I understand that. Especially now."

"I feel comfortable around you, trust me... I do... It's just sometimes I let my guard up.. like last night, when you were going to kiss me."

"I shouldn't have done that."

"I don't want you to think like that though. I want you to be able to do things with me... You must be frustrated." She said and he frowned.

"Frustrated?" He asked.

"...sexually...." She pointed out and he smiled.

"That doesn't matter." He told her, squeezing her hand.

"But it does..." She argued softly.

"No it doesn't. I'm not going to do something with you that you're not comfortable with. You need to be able to trust me, and I hope you're starting to trust me a little..." He told her, looking over for a second. She still looked worried about him.

"Look... Yes, I may struggle sometimes when you're in a bikini or when we're cuddling and you brush against me or... You get what I mean, but it's not a problem, Lexi. I can control myself, I'm not going to rush you and that's final. I love spending time with you, I love cuddling, I love just generally being with you.. you know I'm falling, you're my weakness... And I'm never going to let you go... We've got as much time as you need, this isn't a race." He spilled out his feeling and she couldn't help but smile, lifting their joined hands and kissing his knuckles.

"Okay..." she said grinning. "Thank you." She rubbed her thumb against his and he smiled.

Once they were home, he took their things upstairs and they relaxed in bed, watching movies.

"I am happy you know." He told her, he kissed her head.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you taking to my mum... Of course I'm happy." He told her.

"Oh... Yeah... I just... Don't worry." She told him. "I wasn't sure.. I know it's slow."

"I've told you now.. you know I don't mind going slow.." He added.

"I know." She smiled.

They were both content.

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