Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

When I woke up everything was too bright. It took me a moment to realize the windows were open. I was on my bed laying under a thick blanket. Someone must have moved me to the bed since last time I remember I was on the floor. I tried to remember what happened during my illness but like always I can never remember. Only a red glaze, that's all.
I get up and walk towards the window. I catch a glance at my reflection. My hair was plastered to my face with sweat. My curls were messy. My clothes was changed into a thin white night gown. My eyes were a bright violet. For once I actually look like I could be an angel.
A sat and lifted my legs to my body at the window seat. I pressed my face at the window letting the sun hit me with it's rays. I looked at the birds that flew around.
I wish I could be free like them. Able to fly with no care. And for the first time I started thinking of the events that have happened in itthe last two months. The tears flowed out like a flooded river. Each tear is for every scratch, every kick, every punch, and every death. I thought I could have accepted this how it is with no emotional turmoil. But I was wrong. I was still neglecting what is standing in front of me. I didn't want to fully understand what was going on. There is till a brim of hope in me. Hopping that all this is a crazy dream and I could wake up any time now. But it isn't like that.
There is a soft knock at the door and I wipe the tears away. I keep my eyes shut for 10 seconds so they can stop burning.
"Come in." I say in the strongest voice I can muster.
Xavier opens the door slowly and comes in. When he sees me, he immediately knows something is wrong. He lands next to me and pulls me in his lap. He rocks me like a baby as I cry. Xavier is the only one who has ever seen me cry and he is the only brother I will ever let see me like this.
"There Esme it's going to be fine." He says in a sad voice.
"I'm scared." I say in a child voice.
"Don't be, we will always be at your side no matter what. I'll guard you through haven and hell." I snuggle up to him and let the warmth of those words cover me up like a blanket. I take in deep breaths to hold the tears back.
"You're so dramatic." I say in a playful voice trying to lighten the mood. I didn't want to cry anymore. His words gave me the strength I needed.
"Look who is talking. You're the one always overly exaggerating the good looks of a man."
"I'm old enough to."
"You will never be old enough. You're like 8 right?" I punch him on the arm and we share a smile.
"I'll be 18 in 5 months and one day." The sad realization hit us like the force of a tree falling to the ground. We stayed quiet in the sad silence.
"Xavier do you miss mom and dad?" I say softly. I needed to know what he felt. I have to stop thinking of my emotions only and consider the others.
"I miss them very much." He says softly as in lost in thought.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like someone put a nail in my heart and keeps pulling it and pulling at and then jabbing it back in."
"Is this my fault?"
"It will never be your fault. You didn't know what you were or what the dangers are. But if John or Heritage ever came to me I will kill them or die trying."
"Don't endanger your life. It's already bad you're here. I can't lose you too."
"I can't make any promises I can't keep."
"Well at least promise me you'll have someone go with you."
"I promise." He raises his pinky and I raise mine. We lock pinkies and seal our promise.
"So have you seen any women you like?" I ask him casually trying to change the mood.
"I can't say I have. But Mr. Richardson's daughter has caught my attention. She has turned pretty attractive if I may say so."
"Don't you think your to young for her? She is like 8 months old!" I exclaim.
"I'm just kidding! I think I've become rather fond with Abigail."
"No." I exclaim in disbelief.
"I thought you said she will never have a chance with you. And may I quote. 'Abigail is not to be permitted in this house. I will never have anything with that cheater!'"
"Well you see that was the plan because she cheated in horse riding. But then I saw her yesterday at town. We talked and I invited her over for dinner."
"Oh my! Xavier has a lady friend! I'm so happy for you!" I bounce in excitement. "Is she coming over today?" He nods with a smile on his face. "Get out. I got to clean up. Do you know what Sally is cooking? There is so much to do."
I get up from the seat and without thinking I swing the door open to the hall and walk out. Just as I step out I bump into Max. I look up and I can feel my face burning. His hands are on my waist. He looks down at me and our faces are close to each other's.
Stop it Esme! Just once. Stop right now! Your family can't have this right now. I pull away and look down to the ground.
"Sorry." I say sheepishly before I pass him. I don't wait for a response I just leave.
I find Sally two bedrooms away after I hear a crash. She is bent over cleaning up pieces of a vase.
"Sally, Abigail is coming over. I'll clean this up you go do your magic." I wink at her and she gives me a knowing smile. She disappears from the room. I can hear her voice booming orders and soon enough the house is full and alive with buzz. I finish cleaning up the class and put it in a bucket.
I walk back to my room and no one was in it. I sit down on my bed and let my head settle for a moment.
"What are you doing in here." I jump at the voice that came from the bathroom.
I stand up and turn around really fast. Max is standing at my bathroom door without a shirt. His bare chest is wet and his muscles were flexing as he cleans his hands with a towel. I give him a skeptical look.
"What are you talking about? This is my room. I come and go as a please." I say annoyed.
"No. This is my room." He says giving me a confused look.
I look around and see that the drapes are a deep red and the bedding is a green shade with red flowers. Everything is a contrast to my purple room.
"Oh my god I'm sorry. I-I-I'm going to umm leave now." I stammer. I start walking towards the door and Max speeds over to it.
"What if I don't want you to leave?" He says in a low voice making my stomach go in a fit of butterflies.
"But you were all rude about it. So I'm going to go." I say trying to sound annoyed.
"Well now I want you to stay. I need to keep an eye on you. I think John or Heritage are watching you." He says casually.
"I think I can care for myself perfectly fine." Way to go Esmeralda always over estimating the motives.
"I don't think so. You're not that experienced."
"Well I don't care what you think."
I grab his arm to push him away. As I touch him a spark shoots up my arm. I move my hand away as if he was hot iron.
"Can you just move? I need to clean up before Abigail gets here." I say annoyed.
"I don't thing I can."
I turn around and sit on his bed. As I sit his scent exploded into the air. Why do I always get in hard situations like this?
I try not to stare at him because when I do I can't take my eyes off of him. Every single time I see him I have to force myself to look away. I don't want to feel for him like this if he is just going to be playing around with me. I don't want to play this game any more. I'm tired of it.
"What game are you trying to play with me?" I finally ask after pondering of what to do.
"What game?" He says with fake confusion.
"This one. You always act like you have an interest in me and then add something that ruins the moment."
"I don't know what you mean."
"You know exactly what I mean. And I am done playing it. I don't have time to do this role. I like you. There I said it. If you like me well good. If not let me be free." I said fiercely at the end. I know I looked angry but he just smiled like a fool. "Damn you! I'm better off with John."
He steps away from the door still wearing that stupid grin. That bastard. Ugh! I hate him. I get up and open the door. I walk out and slam the door hard. It gives off an echo that lasts about 30 seconds. I walk to my room and slam the door shut before I lock it.
I made myself look like the fool.
By mid-afternoon I was washed and cleaned up. The house was filled with sweet and salty aromas. It made my mouth water but I had to hold in my hunger.
Like the first time I met Max, I avoided all contact with him. I wasn't going to talk to him after he acted like a bastard. I should've known he was going to be trouble from the start. Why do you have to be so stupid?
There was a clatter of horse shows hitting rock. I knew Abigail came and went to the door. I heaved it open as Abigail got out of her carriage ride. She looked at me and her mouth flew open. Last time she saw me I was being buried 6 feet underground.
"Esmeralda!" She exclaimed with shock.
"The one and only." I say with a smile on my face. I extend my hands to prove I'm real and not an illusion. She runs to me and embraces me in a warm hug.
"What happened?" She says like she can't believe I'm right there. She pulls away from me.
"It's a long story. But short story I was in danger and needed to fake my death." I said half truth.
"Is the danger gone?" I shake my head. "I heard about your parents. Did they?" She says softly. I can only nod. She embraces me in another hug and I gladly take it.
"Aww how sweet but shouldn't you be saving some for Xavier?" Brian said from behind me. I could hear a smile on his face. Abigail pulled away from me and we turned towards Brian.
"Brian, how are you?" Abigail asked like the gentle lady she is,
"I'm doing fine. What about you Abby? I haven't seen you in a good while." He said in a polite voice. Could Brian fake.
"I'm doing just fine. Thank you for asking."
"Has Abigail come? I want to look my...... Finest." Xavier said breathless at Abby's complexion.
In truth Abby is a very beautiful person. Her red locks were pulled up and some were let loose. Her eyes were a dark green and her skin was a peach color. Her lips were plump and perfectly pink.
"Hello Xavier. The cat caught your tongue?" Abby teased. The best part about Abby is that she knows Xavier has feelings for her and she loves mind games too.
"Um no. Come in will you before the night monsters get you." Xavier teased.
"Oh dear lord don't start that again. We were ten and you tricked me. I had a very active imagination back then." She defended herself.
"Yeah okay, whatever you like to say. I still remember that night."
"Let me guess because I was there. And every memory with me you is important to remember."
"How about you two newly wed go to the dinner table, while I go and get Sally to start bringing in the courses." Brian says.
"Sounds like a wonderful plan." I say as the two lovers turn bright red.
I walk away from Xavier and Abby as both continue to flirt. Max is seated at his usual seat, right in front of me.
Ugh why didn't I think of that? Because you're to busy thinking other things you shouldn't.
"Hello nice to meet you Abby. I'm Max." Max says as he stands up from his chair. While I was busy bickering in my head, Abby introduced herself.
"The pleasure is all mine." Abby says then she whispered something at Xavier. They both looked at me and Xavier shook his head. He said something back that sounded like "she is too obnoxious."
I ignore the two and decide on finding Brian. I will stall as much as possible before I sit down. Just as I'm about to go through the doors I can hear Brian's voice coming down the hall. Why does everything have to go wrong?
"Dinner is coming." I say turning towards them.
Xavier runs and pulls out a seat for Abby. Abby takes the seat and smiles at Xavier. Xavier walks to the other side and sits across from Abby. I'm going to have a talk with him later.
As soon as Brian sits down I see there is no way to avoid Max. I go over to my usual seat and slump on it. I glare at Max from across the table as the food gets served. He wears a big grin exposing his white teeth, making me angrier. Abby let's out a laugh and I turn towards her. Xavier and Brian are telling her a story of us. I was ten when it happened.
"Esme was crying because she couldn't go. Until mother came and told us to take her." Brian said with a smile on his face.
The visual of them was beautiful. Everyone was smiling and telling stories. All of them were having a good time. Something I may never do again because of the boy sitting across from me.
"Esme started running across the lawn. I swear I have never seen someone run so fast. She was a blur in the field." Xavier said laughing.
"I ran only because you were holding a snake at me." I said defensively.
"You wanted to come along with us boys." Xavier said with a smirk on his face.
"You shouldn't have done that to her!" Abby said in my defense. I smiled at her out burst. It was wonderful like this.
I reached over for my glass and just as my hands touched it there was a shatter in front of me. I look up expecting to see a maid cleaning up a plate but it was nothing like that.
There was a man in his mid forties. He stood in the rain of glass. Not one single piece scraped him as if they were afraid to. From instinct I knew what he was. He stared directly at me. His eyes were black as coal. His hair flowed in long waves down his back. He wore old rags that must have come from a poor soul.
The glass stopped falling and he stepped forward. Five more came from behind him. Max stood beside me before I could react. Xavier flew over the table and got Abby. Brian removed a gun from under the table. There was a secret compartment in every seat in case something happened. Xavier had his gun in front of him and Abby. I was the only one sitting down. I knew I wasn't ready for any of this. Another thing I rejected to believe.
"I am Fallon and I have come to take you in. Lord Aboddon abides you're presence in his kingdom. He will not be defied. No survivors he said if you would not cooperate." He said in a low voice. It came out raspy as if he was talking through cotton.
"You can tell your Lord, The Gift will not be going. She will remain with us." Max growled like an animal.
"That's for her to decide." He said with a grin, as two of his men disappeared. There was a clash behind me. I knew what was happening before I could react but no one messes with my family. And if I can keep them safe I will keep them safe.
I stood up and picked up my chair with all the strength I had. I threw it across the room and it hit Fallon first before the others. I grabbed the silver forks and butter knifes. I ran towards the monster that had Abby and Xavier by the neck. I jabbed him as hard as I could on his back. But he was unmoved by it so I dug it in harder. With that he let go of them and turned towards me. His skin started bubbling before he turned into an horrid, black, slimy, monster. I could not identify what he looked like. All I could see was the snout of a dog. Feet as big as a lion. And his size was as big as a horse. Every step he took, slime would fall to the ground. Were the slime fell it burned through the wood. I started backing away towards the table. I didn't know what to do. I could never fight against this thing.
"Stupid girl. You could've came to me but decided to fight instead. Now all these people will die because of you." Fallon said behind me. I could feel his toothy grin. He was glad there would be death in this room soon. I wasn't going to let him have that pleasure.
I picked up my chair and placed it in front of me. This probably will be the stupidest thing I will ever do. I pushed on the chair ready to barrel into the monster. I went by just like I would have gone through air. I look up and the monster is no longer there. There was a couple of shatters and before I looked to my left. Max was wrestling the monster. I could see his skin burn as the slime fell on him. Xavier, Brian, and Abby were all trapped by two men. Each of them having silver knifes in their hands. There was a body slummed on the floor with blood pooling around it. And Fallon was standing in the middle of the disaster. I knew what I had to do.
"I surrender." The words flew out of me like a quiet whisper.
The world seemed to stop for a second before it came back to life. The monster thing got off of Max and transformed into his human form. I knew better now. The men encircling my brothers and Abby moved away. They all walked slowly to Fallon.
"But I need to give her an explanation and I need to say goodbye before I do anything else." I said strongly with a tint of sadness in it.
"As you wish. I will be waiting. Try any schemes and you will pay." He said in a low voice.
I nodded and left to the library. How was I going to explain this to Abby. What will I do? Am I really going to turn myself in? I sit down on the lounge where Max, my brothers, and a delusional Abby sits down. She is whispering words I can't understand. She talks in a rapid pace and pulling on her dress. Great I turned someone crazy and got someone killed in one day. How much more can I do?
"Abby listen to me." I say and place my hands on hers. She looks at me like she can't recognize me. "Abby you're going to be fine. They are here for me. Do you understand? I don't have time to explain to you what is going on. I need you to understand. Do you understand? Can you nod for me if you do?" She looked at me with a blank expression.
I could feel her heart beat under my hands. I concentrated on calming her down. I tried sending soft soothing feelings into her. I tried sending joy and slowly her heart beat went slow. She blinked twice before tears ran down her eyes and nodded.
"Good. These people will no longer bother you. But if they do. No matter what stay with my brothers and Max. They will keep you safe. These people are not good people to mess with. Please try to understand. I'm begging you. Please." I said softly. She could only nod and cry. She cried onto Xavier. I grabbed both of my brothers hands.
"I need you to take care of her and yourselves. Don't do anything stupid. What ever Max says you do. Understood?" Xavier looked angrily at me. And Brian wore a stone mask.
"You were suppose to fight for us. But it turns out you're not." Xavier sneered.
"Xavier don't say that." My voice cracks.
"I thought you had something planed before you agreed to that unearthly monster."
"I'll think of something. I promise please don't be mad at me." I beg them.
"And when will that be. Who knows what you're going to find down there. Aboddon wants you! Do you know who that is?" Brian yelled at me.
"Yes." I say and look to the ground as tears fall freely.
"Then why go down there?" He growls.
"Because Aboddon is John." I say softly.
"Dammit Esmeralda!" Brian hissed.
"I'm not afraid of him. And what ever he does will not stop me to fight for you guys."
"How can you be so selfish? Don't you think we want to keep you safe too?" Max said out of no where. We all turn our heads towards him. "This all came out wrong."
"Just shut up. This doesn't involve you. It's between my family and me. Not you. You came into my life and everything went bad." I growl.
"Well maybe you should stop acting stupid and I may have never appeared!" He yelled at me.
"What is it to you anyways? Why did you come?"
"I don't have to tell you nothing." He said coldly as he walked out. I take in deep breaths and look at my brothers.
"Please don't be mad at me I beg you." I say softly.
"I don't know what I should feel. But if you think we will sit here and wait till you come. While you're in hell suffering or who knows what. You're wrong." Xavier said.
"Max was right. You were selfish of doing what you did. It was our responsibility to care for you." Brian said sadly.
"Please don't do this." My voice starts cracking before I let out a sob.
"Don't cry. I don't want to remember you like this." Xavier said. He reached up and stroked my cheek.
"Please don't be mad at me."
"How can we be mad at you? Tell me? You're our sister no matter what. And we will do what ever to get you back." Brian said.
"I love you to two so much." I pull them all in a hug. I kiss them on the forehead. They rub my back before I pull away.
"I don't think I have enough time. Take care will you?" I wipe the tears from my face and pull a smile." I got something planned. And I assure you I will not let them touch me."
"Promise?" They both say.
"Promise." We hold up our pinkies and intertwine them with each other.
I smile lightly at them one more time. I get up and walk out of the room. I do not dare to look back. A rush of sadness hits me like a wave. I just want to fall to the floor and cry. My tears could build a lake and I could drown in it.
"Why do you keep messing things up." Max's voice startles me. I look up and he is leaning at the wall.
"I don't have to explain to you anything. I never called you to be here did I? So you can just leave and stop making me feel bad all the time." I say through my teeth.
"I can't. Don't you see? I can't go if I wanted!"
"What is that suppose to mean? I don't have you tied to my hip!"
"I can't leave because..."
"Because what?" I said in a sharp tone.
"Because I've fallen for you." His words come out as a forbidden whisper. I stare up at him in shock. "Every where I look there you are. You fill me up with lost happiness. With you I have found it again."
I looked down and he pulls my chin up. He takes my lips in with his. Our lips mold perfectly into each other. As if they were made especially for each other. As he kissed me my body exploded in an electric current. It was as if I were struck by lighting but it didn't hurt. It gave me more pleasure instead. His lips stroke mine in soft swift motions. He breaks the kiss and pressed his forehead to mine. He stares at me for a long time before he touches my face.
"I will come for you." He says in a whisper. I touch his hand one more time before I turn around. I could feel his stare until I entered the dinning room. Fallon stood in the same spot that I left him in. He looked up and smiled.
"Ready pumpkin?" He said in his raspy voice.
"Just do what you need to do. No need to take my time up." I sneer.
"We are going to be deciding your time."
He takes my hand in his and pulls me with him. I run trying to keep up in his pace. He throws me in his arms before his wings explode from his back. He takes a giant leap and launches us in the air. Why are we going up? Isn't it suppose be down? Before I know it he takes a change of direction and launches us into the ground. What the hell! No one said anything about crashing to earth! That was the last thought I had before entering pure darkness.

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