Chapter XXI ♥ Trampled

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Above is an example of how crazy Spanish people are ♥

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"Hola España. No hablo mucho español, así que lo siento. Voy a hablar igles," I racked my brain for the language, greeting the people and informing them of my terrible Spanish. I knew luckily how to do that much. "I am Princess Melanie of the United Kingdom, and for the past week I have been an audience to your wonderful culture. I am sure that this festival will only prove how amazing of a society you Spaniards have developed. I hope that you will allow me to witness your powerful tradition first-hand and that you all will enjoy it to the fullest. Thank you for the honour," I bowed gently, hearing the people cheer at my words. I felt giddy inside, knowing I didn't mess up as bad as I had expected.

"Princesa," I turned to see the announcer and he smiled with a nod. He turned and indicated to a single chair placed on a lone platform that hung slightly over the arena. A Spanish throne? I won't lie, it was a little more than imitating. I couldn't hesitate, however, that might be a hit to me. I headed over towards the beautiful seat with my practices posture and sat as gently as possible. I knew it wasn't a true royal throne, but it still made me feel like I was in way over my head. I sat as elegantly as I could, my mind shifting back to all my old lessons. I spotted Ian standing near the entrance to the platform, looking over me. It made me feel a little bit less nervous. How many eyes were there on me?

The announcer took the mike back and managed to get the crowd to calm down, which was amazing. He spoke to them, not like I could understand them. Right now I was far more concerned on the various cameras focused on me. No doubt this footage will reach my parents. I needed to look good.

Eventually a countdown began, one I understood. I at least knew how to count to three in Spanish, and I almost chuckled at the thought. When they hit 'uno!' a loud shot went off and I heard screaming in the distance. It must be the runners starting, and I being to feel a little bit worried when the second shot went off. Not the bulls were released, and Alejandro was stuck in the middle of the stampede. I truly hoped he could evade them all and get here safely. I would feel bad if he got injured, because the only reason he's doing this is for me.

The arena's crowd was anxious, cheering erupting as they spotted the first runners down the street. They were all sweaty and carried expressions you might see in a horror movie when the protagonist is running from the monster. They tumbled into the arena, movie to the sides to miss the bulls who were hot on their tails. The bulls stampeded inside, making furious noises as they entered an enclosure on the other side of the arena. My eyes searched desperately for the Spanish boy who had both irritated and amazed me in little over a week. I was concerned for him, and once my eyes trained on his form, I realized it was rightfully so.

He came trotting in near the end of the sprint, laughing as he and another man jogged in by each other's hips. There was blood running down his arm, but he seemed too happy for words. He made a friend while running for his life. Of course that was the kind of thing that'll happen to him. I found myself growing angry but his enjoyment made me calm down. I could faintly hear everyone in the stadium, each living soul, cheering for him.

He waved around, everyone clapping in response. This was their Prince. I felt envious seeing him like that. His entire country backed him up and he could converse with any of them freely. He was the perfect royal, not a single sneer or jab at him. It didn't matter how far behind he was or if he did get trampled, because he did his best and that was what everyone was putting in.

I felt emotional, but so happy. This was a sight that I truly felt honoured to see. He got pats on the backs, his cheeks glued up as he treated everyone like a friend. There was no one out for his status, because here they were all equal. I chuckled at the sight, feeling the tears rise to my eyes.

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Where stories live. Discover now