6. Unrequited Love at it's Worst 2.0

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Hope Edwards was irrecoverably in love with her closest friend. And realizing that she loved him was the worst thing she had ever done. Because she was too late.

It had been exactly three months since Hope had seen her best friend, exactly three months since her best friend had bore his heart on his sleeve. Exactly three months since she had acted like a complete and utter cow to the one person that mattered most to her.

Hope had avoided Hartfordshire and one of its residents for those three agonizing months, and now, with her tail between her legs, she knew it was time to apologize, admit her feelings, and clean up the mess she had made.

And that's how Hope found herself walking down the well worn and familiar path to Hartfordshire from Wellington. Hope couldn't help but let a feeling of nostalgia wash over her. If she tried, she could imagine Jonathan was with her, and that they lived in Hartfordshire together, as husband and wife. She could imagine they were only visiting her father at Wellington, and that they were just back from a long honeymoon. Hope quickly removed the thought from her mind. She couldn't think of that now, she needed to think of what the seven hell she was going to say to Jonathan when she saw him.

Well, now that I think about it, Hope thought to herself, I could just tell him about my daytime fantasies... or maybe the nighttime ones...

Hope promptly burst into giggles at the idea of telling Jonathan of her clandestine thoughts. She could imagine the flabbergasted look on his face and how he would be the one without words. "Now that would be unladylike!" She said aloud to no one in particular. She knew she must look like a mad woman, but she supposed love did make everyone a bit mad.


After being led to Mrs. Langston's light blue parlor, Hope stood in the doorway like she had all those months before. She was not nearly as welcome as she had been before.

"Miss Edwards." Mrs. Langston began. "May I ask as to the purpose of your visit? I wasn't aware we had plans." Her voice was cool, but not completely filled with ice. Hard, but not harsh. Hope took that as a good sign. Or at least as good as a sign as she could find.

"We don't have plans, I just thought I should come and see you. We haven't spoken in a while..." Hope trailed off weakly.

"That's because you left my ball without saying goodbye after going out on the balcony with my son." At the mention of Jonathan, Anne's voice became decidedly cold. "My son, who came back from that talk with you, absolutely devastated. He won't tell me why, but I think I can make an accurate assumption as to the nature of that conversation. And now, after three months, you thought you should, or even could visit me? Do you really have the audacity to enter my home without invitation, with the belief that everything would become the same as it was? Have you decided I'm suddenly worth your time?" She let out a hallow laugh before continuing, "I'm honored."

Hope felt tears prick at her eyes and forcibly blinked them away. This was no the time to be crying, and she doubted Mrs. Langston would take sympathy on her. "You must understand Mrs. Langston, I-"

Mrs. Langston promptly interrupted her. "I must understand? And why should I?"

Hope sputtered go a moment. "Please, let me explain myself. I don't wish to make excuses for my behavior, I only wish to offer an explanation as to the way I have acted." Hope sighed as Mrs. Langston let her continue. "I wasn't expecting what Jonathan told me on the balcony and I reacted poorly. Or rather, I didn't react at all and then Jonathan left before I could respond. What he revealed to me took me by complete surprise and I was in shock, it's not everyday that your best friend tells you they love you! And well, I was ignorant of even my own feelings, so how could I even begin to understand his?"

"And what are your feelings Miss Edwards? Or haven't you figured them out yet?" Mrs. Langston muttered with a raised brow. "I presume you must have figured them out or you wouldn't be here."

"I-" Hope paused before taking a breath. Her cheeks were almost as red as Marie's were when she spoke of Timothy. "I return the sentiment Jonathan felt for me that night."

"Meaning?" Mrs. Langston prompted.

"Well, I wanted to tell him first..." Hope sighed, and if t was possible, she was even redder than before.

Mrs. Langston smiled genuinely. "I was waiting for you to figure out how you felt. It was obvious to everyone around you. Jonathan in taking a walk about the gardens."

Hope walked calmly out of the room before running down the hallways, out the back door, and into the gardens. When she found Jonathan, she was not nearly as overjoyed as she thought she would be.

Standing underneath a willow tree, their willow tree, was her best friend kissing a tall, gorgeous redhead in a pale blue dress that accented her perfect figure.

Without thinking, Hope fled the scene like she had just committed, or in this case witnessed, a crime. Hope ran all the way back to Wellington, only stopping once she was safely inside her room. Only when secure within the confines of her yellow walls did Hope cry.

I'm too late.

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