You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Chantelle’s POV

The wood shed was dark and cold. A few panels were missing or broken so we had very little shelter and had to hide behind old logs in case the police searched the area.

Clover had managed to fall asleep, snoring lightly beside me. I couldn’t sleep though. So many emotions and thoughts were running through me so fast I could barely focus on one at a time. Nervousness and fear were the ones that kept springing back all the time. What if we were caught? Would I be in trouble too? The thing I was most scared and nervous of though was the girls rejecting me. They were such a big part of Clover’s life that I needed them to like me to stay with him. Surely he wouldn’t still want me if they didn’t? Tonight I would know if I was going with them, wherever that was.

Clover stirred beside me and rolled onto his side when he realised I was awake. “Are you okay, Chantelle?” he whispered over the loud whistling sound of the wind outside.


He frowned and sat up. “Tell me. I know something’s wrong.”

“I’m guess I’m just worried about tomorrow.”

“Everything will be fine. This time tomorrow we’ll all be together and can start our lives again.”

“The four of us,” I replied, nodding my head.

“Five,” Clover corrected. “Once I find Heather.”

“Find her? Where is she?”

He smiled sadly and took my hand. “I’m not sure yet. Let me worry about that though. Do you think you could sleep?”

“Not really.” His hand found its way to my cheek. A first I jumped at the contact, his hand was so cold but after a second I got used to it. I liked it. My eyes closed as he stroked down my cheek and across my jaw. Just as I was about to open my eyes I felt his breath blowing across my face. Was this going to be our first kiss? I wasn’t sure if it was something he wanted, and I only half wanted it.

“Clover,” I whispered, “I don’t think…” The words wouldn’t leave my mouth even though I wanted, and needed, to say them.

My eyes were still closed but I felt him move away. “You don’t want this?” His voice was filled with hurt.

“No, I do but I’ve been used by men for so long.”

“I’m not using you, Chantelle,” he responded, frowning in anger. “I’m offering you a new life, with me.”

“You’re sure about me though? You really mean it?”

Clover took my hands and squeezed them lightly. “Of course I mean it. I’m a man of my word, unlike a lot of people these days.”

“Can we wait until we’re all settled?”

“Absolutely,” he responded, kissing the back of my hand. “Take as long as you need.” A proud smile swept across his face. Did he like that I wanted to wait? He didn’t seem to want to wait like I thought he would. “Lay down. You need to get some rest for tomorrow; it’s going to be another long day.”

That time I didn’t argue. I was tired and knew I needed to try and get some sleep, even if it was only for a little while. We laid down side by side. With my head resting on his shoulder, I closed my eyes. It was so nice to be close to someone properly, rather than them just using my body and leaving. I wanted something real. The things he’d done were awful but in a strange, twisted way he meant to do good. And because he had good intentions I could get over his past.

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