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Three days after hearing the impossible news, Harry went back to work.

He had taken a day to get acclimated. Another to meet with a healer from St. Mungos. A third to get acclimated with the news again.

The hardest part of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry thought as he comfortably moved about the classroom, was being pregnant during early term exams. It wasn't because he had started showing yet. Luckily that was at least a few weeks away. The current problem was that now that he knew what was going on with his body he couldn't just ignore it and hope it went away.

Unlike with the stomach flu, where he could just take it easy and eat soup during lunch and push himself harder during class time, he actually had to be careful of how hard he was pushing himself.

When the second years came in he was sitting on top of his desk flipping through a stack of parchment. He had given an essay to all of his students. This is what he had gotten back so far. Harry shook his head and placed the stack beside him before smoking up at his class. Scorp sat in the front row and couldn't help but smile back up at his Papa.

"Okay, second years. I am glad to see you enjoyed your break in my absence, but now the real work has to begin." He looked around as he stood and started walking up and down the aisles between the seats moving some of them out of the way as he went. "Your Starting Term Practicals are on Tuesday! Today we're going to be going over some basic wand movements and dueling skills."

The class cheered and he shushed them with a wave of his hand. When young ravenclaw, Janice Harper, raised her hand he suppressed a smile and allowed her to speak.

"Uh- Professor, are we going to duel each other? What if-"

"All will be revealed momentarily, Janice." Harry sent the class a mischievous grin. "I have actually dragged along a few volunteers to help teach this particular lesson. Everyone please give a warm welcome to Auror Weasley and Professor Malfoy."

The class erupted into a series of mini cheers and whoops that caused Draco to preen and Ron to turn almost as red as his hair. Being used to this sort of environment, the blonde naturally began leading.

"We're going to do this out in the courtyard, where there'll be enough space for Weasley to hide," Draco said with a smirk.

"Oi, I'm the auror here, not you," Ron said standing taller as he followed Harry and Draco down the corridor with the kids charged after them.

"Not for my lack of trying, I assure you," Draco responded.

"Nobody would take him on," Harry told his friend with a playful smirk. "Not even the Unspeakables."

The redhead peered around his best friend. Taking in Malfoy's still proud walk then back at Harry.

"My form is perfect," muttered the blonde angrily.

"So why don't you duel'em, Harry?"

The dark haired man floundered for only a moment.

"Er- he knows my moves too well. He can always guess what I'm gonna do next. The kids can't learn that way."

"And it's no fun anymore," added Draco with what looked to be an actual pout. "You, on the other hand, Weasley, may actually be a challenge." He turned and grinned at the redhead once they reached the courtyard and waited for the class to finish joining them.

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