Give Her a Chance [S1:E10]

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| October 23 | Monday |

~ Sam's POV ~

The ringing of Megan's alarm disrupted my sleep. My body was begging for just a few more minutes as I groaned and rolled towards her side of the bed.

"Megan, turn-"

My words were cut short by the sensation of a small tongue running up my lips. The smell of puppy breath caused my eyes to shoot open.

"Oh God!" I said as I pulled back.

"She's just giving you morning kisses," Megan answered as she flicked on her lamp.

I wiped my mouth as I glared at my girlfriend. "I told you she wasn't allowed in the bed."

"It's my bed." Megan leaned over and kissed me, then Charlie. "I determine who sleeps in it."

I frowned.

Megan yawned. "Would you mind bringing her outside?"

Charlie sat near Megan's pillow, still and calm as she gazed at me. Her ears were perched and folded on the top. Only for a moment did I think she looked cute.

"What's in it for me?" I asked.

"You won't have to change and wash the sheets, because if you don't bring her out, she's gonna pee on them."

I looked at Charlie as she wagged her tail.

"Fine," I complied. "Let's go little devil!"

"Do not call her that."

"She likes it!" I claimed, pointing out Charlie's enthusiastic behavior. "Look!"

Megan just rolled her eyes before disappearing into the bathroom.

I hooked Charlie to her leash and carried her outside. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't six in the morning. Or if she would stop gnawing at her collar long enough to actually try and use the bathroom. God, why did I let Megan talk me into this?

Then after ten minutes of circling the same patch of grass, Charlie finally went.

When she was done, she looked up at me.

"You deserve a medal," I claimed before scooping her up in my arms.

It's not that I hated dogs, or animals in general. I just didn't trust myself.

Megan was responsible. She was punctual and able to multitask. Plus, she had those maternal instincts I seemed to severely lack. So it only made sense that she would be all for raising a dog.

But I knew it wouldn't be her who would be with Charlie the most. It would be me. And I was nothing like Megan.

What if I accidentally fell asleep and Charlie tore up a sofa cushion? Or peed on the nice rug because I forgot to let her out? What if she started choking on a bit of plastic!?

I flopped back down onto the bed and watched Charlie bury her face into the comforter. She sniffed around and continued with her puppy antics.

There were just so many things that could go wrong at the expense of my lack of responsibility, and Megan would forever be upset.

As I laid there and forced my eyes to stay focused on Charlie, I wondered if Megan looked at this as more of a test than just "raising a dog together". Kids were obviously something she had hinted at multiple times. I of course agreed because I loved her and didn't want to push her away.

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