01. The Storms Of My Life

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I hate mornings.

Not every morning, but I definitely hate Monday morning.

Because every Monday I wake up, I remember all the bloody work I have to deal with through out the day .

And it gets especially worse when you have a stingy miser as your employer.

"Lil! Wake up, wake up!"

The melodious voice of my dear sister woke me up from my slumber.

"Get up, Lil! Oh, it's not the time to sleep! It's the time to wake up, to look at the bright sky and rejoice!"

You see, she didn't had to deal with the matters I had to.

I cocooned myself more tightly into the sheets, enjoying the warmth and softness of my pillows.

"Lil wake up! It's 7:30 already!"


It takes almost 45 minutes to reach Leadenhall street! I am going to be sooo bloody late!

Stumbling and struggling with my cage of blankets I jumped out from the bed.

Crap, crap, crap! I am going to be freezed to death now!

"Why didn't you wake me a little earlier?" I asked Ella, scowling.

"Oh I tried to wake you up thrice, Lil. But you were having such a deep and blissful sleep, you didn't wanted to wake up!"

"Well, I don't want to, even now." I grumbled, hurrying into the bath.

Almost 10 minutes later, I walked out of the bath. Hurriedly putting on my petticoat and dress, I combed my hair, and my eyes landed on clock.

07:45 am!

It's inevitable. Today I'm going to end up as supercooled Lilly, deeply frozen by a certain arctic glare.

"Lilly? Where are you off to?" Ella sneaked up from behind.

"Ella, I... I have to meet Flora today. You know, she's down with flu and I, Patsy and Eve are going to meet her." I lied.

"But Aunt said that today she will test our sewing skills!"

I froze. My sewing skill is as such that I might rather end up sewing my fingers together, than the textile.

And I don't think telling Mr Ambrose that I am late due to my embroidery class is a good idea.

"Will you please make it up for me, Ella?" I begged shamelessly, " Please, please, please?"

"Okay." she sighed, but a slow grin spread onto her face.

"Are you really?"


"Are you really going to meet Flora? Or you are probably going to meet the man whom you are having rendezvous with?" She wriggled her brows.

"Ella!" I groaned.

As usual, she didn't listen and tickled my waist.

When I was clambering down the ladder, I heard her say: "Do tell me how much handsome he has become since the last time you saw him!"


With the speed of light, (well, not actually) I stripped out of my dress to disguise as the second me, i.e., Mr Victor Linton.

Staggering out into the street, I hauled a cab so loud that the poor cabbie almost crashed his vehicle out of sudden shock.

Finally, when he realized that it's not a tornado, earthquake, whirpool, or otherwise, but just a little man with shabby clothes and a bright face, he was relieved.

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