02. Making "Good" Mornings and Nights

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Slowly, I knocked the door separating our offices.
No response came.

"Mr Ambrose, sir? May I come in?"

No answer.

I creaked open the door, quite surprised to see that it's unlocked.

Inside, it was dark. All blinds were down, making the room colder than it already is.

But there was one figure I could clearly make out even in the dark.

It was the silhouette of a man sitting behind that massive desk placed in the middle of the room.

Broad Shoulders, short and elegant raven hair, a chiselled face, a posture as stiff as rod- even in the dark, it left me in no doubt whom I was facing.

I gulped.

His sea blue orbs seemed even darker and deeper than it already is. His stare was intense, which sent a shiver down my back.

"Good morning, Mr Ambrose, sir."

No reply.

He stared at me for few more seconds. Few impressively long seconds, considering how Mr Ambrose hated time wasting.

I licked my lips.

"Err, sir? You want something?"

About one and a half seconds later...

"Yes, Mr Linton."

"What do you want sir?"

"I..." He cleared his throat, "I want you to note down my schedule for this week."

"Oh, okay."

Thank you God! I did not end up as supercooled Lilly!

I dug out the calendar from my pocket and flipped out a new page.

"I have no appointments for today. So start from tomorrow. "

"Yes sir. Just as you say, sir."

"Adequate. Tomorrow I have to meet Mr Lorentz, when I pay a visit to the Bank of England. Then I have an appointment with Mr Dabb of Nuts and Bolts. On Wednesday, we have to work on the balance sheets. On Thursday, I have a meeting with Mr Gabriel, you will sort out few files for it today itself, because probably it will take some time for me to go through them. Then..."

He rattled on the dates like machine gun, while I tried my best to cope up. But sooner rather than later, my eyes drifted off to his phizog.

Though he looked as fresh as frozen daisies and cool as cucumber, l couldn't help but notice the dark circles around his eyes, resulting due to a huge lack of rest.

But even those dark circles does justice to his face.

I didn't stop the thought before it could complete. I had tried a lot before, but I had to admit that it was next to impossible for my overactive mind to stop thinking about him.

His face... Goodness... It's so unfair on the part of nature to create something so perfect!

I sighed.

"Are you tired, Mr Linton?"

My eyes snapped back to his face.

"No sir. Not at all."

"Adequate. Even if you are, I am not going to allow you to repose."

"Definitely, sir."

"Alright. On Saturday morning I need to visit my warehouse in the East End. And on Sunday-"

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