Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 - Alaska

Currently, Vulcan and I are in a sleek, black private plane of his that is taking us to Alaska. We had woken up at six in the morning...well, Vulcan had, whereas I had grumbled out incoherent curses before eventually, I was hauled from the bed and dropped in the shower eliciting a loud scream from me and instantly I was wide awake. Although I was fuming about the rude wake up call, Vulcan made it up to me in the shower and we ended up being very late.

I had slept throughout the car ride and am now working on catching up with school work since it is a twelve-hour journey to Fairbanks with almost a two-hour stopover in Seattle. We will be landing at Fairbanks airport but the actual lodge is in the middle of Fairbanks and Anchorage.

Currently, we are six hours into the journey and due to arrive at Seattle soon. Vulcan's private jet is the epitome of pure luxury with its expensive decor and genuine leather seats. The television screens are of a good size and contrast greatly with other planes, the seats are large and comfy and Vulcan couldn't help but boast about how this is his favorite jet.

Eventually, we land in Seattle which I have only visited once with my father while accompanying him on a business trip during one of my summer holidays. The time passes quickly as we eat at one of the restaurants and shop before boarding the plane again and setting off for Fairbanks. I pick a classic Disney movie to watch before cuddling with Vulcan and eventually, he falls asleep while I make notes and work my way through the assignments my teachers have given me.

Somewhere between catching up on school work and watching the movie I fall asleep too. The next time we wake is when there are thirty minutes before we land in Fairbanks, Alaska. Sliding open the cover of the window, I look outside and gawk at the beauty down below. It's truly a sight to see. Mountains upon mountains stand proudly with their tops just about reaching the fluffy, white clouds that drift above. I gaze down at the numerous valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see with evergreen trees sprinkled with snow. Grabbing my camera, I take as many pictures I can get whilst Vulcan chuckles lowly behind me. I can feel excitement rise within me the more my eyes sweep over the sights and the restlessness to be outside and explore the state growing with each inch we cover in getting closer to the airport.

"It's just so beautiful." I breathe in amazement, resting my camera on my lap and scooting close to the window so that I can see more of the land below us.

"Not as beautiful as you."

I turn and raise a brow at him as he grins back at me, his fingers taking a rest from the typing he has been doing for the past few minutes. 

Smacking him on the arm lightly, I chuckle at his boyish smile. "That was so cheesy!"

"Only for my mate." He winks, his laughter booming in the quiet cabin which only he and I occupy.

I smile widely and perk up when the pilot speaks over the intercom, announcing that we are now set to land in Fairbanks before an air hostess comes out and tells us to fasten our seat belts again. Doing as we are told, I lean against Vulcan's side, watching the plane make its descent to the landing strip below. I feel the wheels bump slightly against the tarmac before running smoothly to a slow stop.

Soon, we are thanking the pilot and the air hostess before making our way into the bustling airport. I hold onto to Vulcan's hand tightly as we weave our way past security checks and into the packed departure section.

Eventually, we have collected our luggage and are now stepping out of the building, the cold breeze kissing our cheeks in greeting which only serves to send a shiver down my spine because of the freezing weather this time of year. I spot a man who looks to be in his late forties holding a sign with Romanov written on it while he waits by a large Range Rover. Tugging on Vulcan's sleeve, I nod in the man's direction before he pulls us over to the waiting car.

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