I Think I Wanna Marry You

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Eleanor was already in my room when I came in. She didn't even notice when I came in. She was sitting on the wooden floor by the stone fireplace. She held Wilbur who was leaning on her, his tail thumping lazily on the floor. They were both only siluettes from the bright fire behind them.

"Eleanor where'd you put my jeans?" I asked frantically. I didn't want to spend much time here while they were already getting ready for the hunt.

"What?" She said blatantly confused.

"My pants. Where are they?"

"Oh uh with your cellular phone in that drawer," She answered, confused at my franticness. I rushed to the drawer pulling both items out. I fumbled with the buttons on the back of my dress trying to take it off on my own. Eleanor groaned getting up, slowly coming to my assistance. "What is going on. No one will tell me. I was supposed to go to Thomas's for dinner but Duchess Hemerton ordered all maids to remain here because of some emergency."

"Well Lord Warlest and Mr. Williams were like kissing or something and then they claimed that the witch in the forest cursed them or something. Which I told you was a mistake drunken me and Abe did. Now all of the townsmen are going on a freaking witch hunt and I gotta go and make sure they don't do anything stupid!" I exclaimed as Eleanor began untying the corset.

"Oh my! That will be challenging, the men in this town don't like to be told what to do. Especially by anyone poorer, younger or who is a woman," she sighed.

"Yup I'm not too sure what I'm going to do, but I'll try to keep them from like burning down someone's house or the forest or something," I said seriously even though I was hopping around trying to get into my jeans. They felt tighter on my legs than they normally did. After so long wearing dresses, pants felt foreign.

"That is why you will need my assistance. This is not a mission for one person to do."

"Are you sure? I'm fine on my own," I assured. She looked terrified after she suggested it, even though she said it confidently.

"There is no doubt in my mind, you need assistance."

"Then let's go."

Eleanor hushed Wilbur and grabbed the night side oil lamp. We walked softly down the corridor, not wanting to be heard by the chorus of nervous women downstairs. The rug muffled the sound of our steps as we walked down the stairway. Instinctively, I held my breath as we passed by the lounge. I knew it was ridiculous but I felt like they'd hear us passing just from our breathing. Luckily they were too involved in their conversation to even consider their surroundings. We passed by safely, but still I held my breath. My lungs strained, my throat and heart seemed to pulse together, and my lips tingled as I tried to keep my breath in. Twenty paces to the front door. I wished that the foyer wasn't so well lit. Eleanor shook and her eyes were wide but she had the slightest twitch of a smile on her lips. Light quick footsteps clacked on the floor. I sighed, exhaling the long held breath. Someone had caught us.

"Eleanor where are you going?" Margaret whispered in a hushed yell. I guess she got the impression we were trying to be quiet. She ignored Eleanor's presence and approached me.

"Don't tell Duchess Hemerton please. We are going out to-"

"Help the men?!" She finished my sentence. Her eyes gleamed with excitement. She inhaled excitedly and clasped her hands together.

"Yeah sure."

"I'm coming with. It is not fair that the men get all the excitement, now is it?" She said with a wink. Can she handle it? I eyed her floofy green dress and her extremely high curls. I didn't think she would go against what she was told. Well I suppose she is seeing some poor guys that her parents don't like. Maybe she has an extremely rebellious streak.

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