Chapter 5

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Zoey's P.O.V.

I woke up a bit later. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I heard 'Bee greet me.

“Hey there sleepy.” He said to me with a grin

“Hiya 'Bee.” I chirped to him

I looked out my window and saw the sun starting to set.

“How long was I asleep for?” I asked him

“Mmmm, almost all day. I was going to wake you up when lunchtime rolled around, but you were cute looking while asleep, so I chose not to bug ya.” He said with a slight grin as he took a left turn

I then felt my stomach growl a bit

“Well that would explain a bunch.” I said to him playfully

“Pretty much. Now am I right to guess that you're hungry?” 'Bee then asked and I nodded

“Alrighty then.”

I then watched as we pulled into a parking lot of a restaurant.

“Cool!” I said eagerly as I unbuckled my seatbelt

Bumblebee laughed before the two of us then got out.

We headed in and saw a bunch of people in line waiting. It looked a bit of a crowded place. I then felt 'Bee pick me up.

“Figured this might be better, so we won't get noticed as easily.” He said quietly to me, over the several voices talking

“I gotcha.” I told him with a nod

We stood in line for a bit. 'Bee kept eyes on all the people around us. I started to grow bored and chose to watch the door. Luckily, since 'Bee was holding me, I could see the tops of people's heads coming in and out.

I mostly saw people with either black, brown, or blonde hair coming in and out. With the occasional dyed hair. What caught my eye was when I saw the top of a head with white hair that had streaks of red-orange.

Confused and then turned back to 'Bee.

“Hey 'Bee?”


“I saw someone with white hair with streaks come in.” I told him

He looked at me surprised before glancing around again

“Did you now?” He said with interest

I nodded and looked up again, unable to find the person again. Shrugging slightly, I lost attention to it. Soon, the line started to lessen.

“Well would ya looky here.” I heard a voice said from behind say playfully

Bumblebee and I turned around and came face to face with another guy, who was grinning lightly with his arms slightly crossed. My eyes widen slightly when I saw he had lightly messy, white hair with several streaks of reddish orange.

I looked him up and down.

He look to be about 19 or 20. The man had on a light grey jacket with a bunch of pockets that reminded me a bit of a lab coat. The jacket had red crosses on top of white patches, on the sides  of the collar. I also saw a First Aid patch on the upper arm of his left shoulder.

Underneath that, he had on an red-orange polo shirt. He also had on a slightly baggy pair of jeans, like 'Bee. Along with that, he had a pair of white, black and orange running shoes; and was wearing a pair of white shades with orange sides. The shades looked like they were styled similar to the way 'Bee's were.

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