Mr Ambrose

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Mr Ambrose

What a waste of time!

I looked around as I saw pretentious women, batting their eyelashes in sparkling dresses and men clung to women like leeches. The extravagant expense spent on the frivolous embellishment of this ball would be enough to build another Empire House. The ball had a high ceiling with an unavailing chandelier which approximately cost close to 41 pound 5 shilling. And then again, here were people wasting resourceful time in unnecessary discourse about the happenings of the society that did not - in the slightest - concern them.

But you wouldn't mind this one, would you?

I noticed the person on my hand, whom I had held back from noticing, who I didn't see for who she actually was, in the fear of what it may evoke in me. I could not evade from the feeling of having her arm in mine, how much ever had I tried.

I also noticed, with much dispassion, that I should be content to attend this ball because it offered free food, which I was, to a certain extent. But the one reason why this ball didn't feel like one of those frivolous affairs, although it was, was the little ifrit on my hand, with her fire burning hotter than the rising sun and her light shining beyond.

A dance floor stood in front of me for people to waste their time moving their limbs in sequence of rhythmic movement over a blast of music that made me want to own this place and start something productive. On the left side, I noted, stood people of noble status, mostly ladies, involved in a conversation that I bet included town gossip.

Being far away from land doesn't change people, does it?


I stood stiff, stiffer than usual that is, when I analysed that the voice was directed toward me.

Did I feel different being away?

I had little idea of how I felt being away, if I even felt anything. But somehow right now, with her hand in mine, a blast of heat travelled through my body, making me hot all over. When did the temperature rise here? My heart beat at a quicker pace as I went ahead. Had the conspiring organ lost its sense again? I did not have much idea.

The right side of the place soon, called for my attention as my eyes darted over the sight. There it was - my only reason to attend this mindless gathering of half-witted fools at a place with daft extravagancy. At one side of it stood a bar with men gathered there and on the other side were tables arranged in sequential order where food was served.

Food. Free food.

I would save precisely 10 pounds 23 shillings with this meal but in exchange I had to endure a bunch of asinine fools.

'Ladies and Gentlemen!'

Talk about asinine fools.

A loud voice boomed in the hall as for the first time I stepped here, I encounter a very old and dear friend of mine - silence though it was very short lived. I saw on the stage a man and a woman who, with the ridiculous looks that they were giving each other, looked ready to pounce on the either any time.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

I, with all my will, ignored the voice inside me.

'Today, we celebrate the bond of our love with our engagement! We are extremely pleased to announce that we would be together soon, and nothing could part us. And with the love I have for her, I never want to get away.' The man said as he looked at the girl with hazed eyes as if he'd found everything he wanted.

My first reaction to this irrelevant confession was the intense need to grab this man and crucify him.

But I found my logical thinking organ wavering to unnecessary musing.

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