Chapter Eight : In the name of Happiness .

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Salaam my lovely readers. Its been long since I last updated. Am so sorry for the inconvenience but I promise you a compensation for your wait this very week. Happy reading people.

And when your Lord proclaimed: “If you give thanks, I will grant you increase; but if you are ungrateful, My punishment is severe( 14:7)

Chapter Eight :

In the name of Happiness .

You reside in my every single sujuud

I ask for you daily from Al Wadood

Hoping that one day we will make it together

And stand by each other in every sort of weather

I vow and profess to love and respect you

Since with you,the concept of fairy tales seem so true

I admit to have drowned deep in your love

Truly you are the only one i dream to have 

I pray that we always stay side by side

And enjoy every feeling in life's ride

Dearest Yahya,stay safe in the foreign land

I promise to hold  you forever in my hand

This wasn't happening. I was falling in love. A feeling I only heard of. In fact I had already fallen for him. It a sweet reality with each second that passed made me feel lucky and grateful. I never wished for fairy tales but with him, it was just too good to believe in. I always smiled and when my phone showed up with his messages, the smile on my face was too obvious. It was a magical feeling,giving you a sense of belonging and making you restless as moments pass.

Two months had passed since he had come for my hand. Everything seemed to be amazing. I started enjoying the lovely Sundays especially when we'd talk for hours and hours. He became my favourite notification and with time I had even forgotten about what the future will hold for us. I was in love with someone I'd call mine in months to come.

"Jaan,take me to the fair. Mamma is busy with her unborn baby. No one loves me. You see Abba will come on Friday and am sure he will start pampering that baby in the stomach." Little Samya frowned. She pouted her lips and placed her hands on her waist.

"When Fareed comes am sure he will give you tones of love. You are loved. Who says Samya is unloved?" I asked trying to tickle her. She laughed hysterically and put her hands on my shoulders. She wore a warm smile on her chubby face. This little munchkin was my favourite human in this house. She gave me a kiss on my face, pulling me to her side.

"Chalo,go get ready." I instructed her. She dashed to grab her small hijab and the pair of shoes Murad bought her the other day. She was fond of him. In fact the two of them were inseparable. He was her 'cool hero' and as for him,she was his princess.

"Murad must come with us. You see he is very caring. I love him so much." She cried. This girl was really annoying at times. Her tears would always cover up the mistakes she made and as for now,am sure she'd make a mess out of the situation. She broke from my hands and ran to his room.

"What's wrong with my princess?" He asked carrying her in his arms. I quickly entered the room finding a bare chested Murad with his six park abs throwing  the noisy Samya in the air. "Am sorry I should have knocked." I said looking away.

"My hero got abs. Why don't you exchange him with that Yahya of yours?" Samya blabbered putting her tiny hands on her mouth. I felt awkward. My cheeks flamed up with a red tinge as I swallowed hard. This girl!! I almost slapped her.

There was an awkward silence for two minutes and then she excused herself to get her mom's permission from the other room.  I covered my face with my hijab walking out of the room. I was feeling embracement hovering around me. As I walked slowly down the stairs,I heard loud shrieks. It was Tamanna. My heart drummed in my chest as I made my way into her room.

"Tammy,what is it?" I asked trying to remain cool.

"It's time Jannat. The baby will be here any moment." She cried pulling the the pillows to her hands. But it was too soon. It was two weeks earlier but what to do. All the people had gone to my grandparents' house and here I was left with her figuring what to next. I put her on the bed calling out Murad loudly from his room.

He sprang into the room while his eyes scanned the entire area. "What is it?" He asked rushing to us. "Quickly get the car. It's time." I shouted giving him the car keys. Little Samya stood there frightened as the tears in her eyes started to roll down her cheeks. "Mamma will be okay." I comforted her as I helped my sister out of the room. She wrapped her arm around my neck and steadily we walked out of the house.

I left Samya with the neighbours,who promised to take good care of the little girl. They also promised to call my mom and tell her our whereabouts. Alhamdulillah I sorted this Samya issue. Murad  drove us fast to the hospital as he frequently checked on Tamanna behind him.

"Ammiii,this is painful. Ugh." She cried loudly as I dubbed the sweat on her face with my handkerchief. She was in a horrible state. She was crying out loud and this worsened her situation. "Aapi,be calm. Keep your faith in Allah. He will take care of you." I comforted her softly.

"Swabr,aapi,swabr," Murad stressed as he accelerated the vehicle. My eyes starting tearing when I saw my sister crying in pain and agony. The loud shrieks subsided to silent tears. She started saying the kalimah and thank God we reached the hospital on time. 

Murad called the nurses to help pointing at us. They came with a stretcher and rushed my sister to the labour room. "Take it easy,all will be well." One of them said smiling. I sat on the chair feeling stressed and confused. In the quest of getting aapi to the hospital I forgot about my phone. I felt crazy.

"Here,you can call them." Murad said giving out his phone. I looked at him with a smile for the first time in many years and accepted his help. "Shukran Murad. I am indebted to you." I said smiling.

"Afwan. It's my duty to help you. Don't stress about anything. Am here for you." He said in a comforting tone. I dialed the numbers quickly calling my mom.
I directed her to the hospital while she asked me millions of questions. Desi moms I tell you. They'll  bombard several questions even before you get to answer one of their questions. Murad took the phone and softly he spoke to my mom. He calmed her down and I must say he was too good with words.

In a few minutes the entire family flocked the hospital. My mom was crying with lots of drama but when she saw the baby,she kept mum and took him in her arms. It was a moment that I treasured so much.

There was only laughter and happiness and all faces were brimming with joy. We all belonged to Allah and it was upon him to write our destinies but for today,I will forever remain thankful to this beautiful package of happiness.

Happiness is like a radio signal that is loud one moment then gone the next. It is not always accompanied by laughter, although laughter is good. Not only is happiness unpredictable most of the time, it often is a complete surprise. Happiness may last for a long while, or it may pelt us with brief flashes. We could feel it at the unexpected sight of a loved one, or at the brilliant sunset over the trees in the late evening. We may seek happiness, but it usually is a by-product. Happiness usually happens as we take action and we are on the move. We always open the door for happiness, even for a brief moment. When we are low, that brief moment of happiness can create a emotional mountain of relief.


Salaam my lovely readers. Its been long since I last updated. Am so sorry for the inconvenience but I promise you a compensation for your wait this very week.

A small question for you : what's your definition of happiness.

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Lots of love♡

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