Chapter 26 - The Epilogue

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"Jordan!" I gasp again as he lowers his head.
"I am not giving up. I can't. I don't know how real relationships work. What I had with Tiffany doesn't compare what I want to have with you. When I said that I didn't love you I meant I don't know what love actually feels like. But I know that I can't let you walk away from me and say that you don't want me anymore. I won't let you. Because I don't want to be without you anymore." He says, meeting my eyes.
"I need you to answer one question." He straightens his frame, putting one of his hands on the door frame.
"Do you promise me not to come into NY?" His eyes narrow.
"I am only asking you because I don't want you to give up your dream for me."
"I said already..." he begins but I close the distance between us and push him out, closing the front door behind me.
He doesn't have a second to move before I put my hands around his neck and pull him forward. My lips almost touch his when I start speaking.
"It doesn't matter to me if you are liking me or in love with me, the only thing that matters is that I don't want to let go of you either. But I don't want you to let go of your dreams neither."
"You changed your mind?" He asks and I pull a little bit back.
"I changed my mind on the moment you knocked on this door."
With second his lips are on mine with furious movements. And I love it.

8 weeks later

"Are you coming home for Christmas?" Matt asks me over the phone and I shake my head silently.
"Hey. I don't have any mental gifts to read your mind. It's a yes or a no?" I heard the sarcasm in his voice clearly and laughed softly. But my answer would break the smile off his face.

"No, I have work. Yeah, I know it sucks." I mumbled the last words into the phone. When I got back to New York eight weeks ago, I buried myself into work. I even took the shifts for Christmas Eve and for New Years.

"Too bad." I imagined his lips form a frown and then his shoulders slump. He always did that when he was sad. "Is Jordan coming home?"

"I don't know. We haven't talked in awhile." I replied.

It bugged me that he hadn't called. He always did but I guess I blame my work for the time we haven't Skyped or called each other. I was always busy at work or in school.

"How? Aren't you guys together?" He questioned and I sat down on my sofa, pulling my knees to my chest.
"We are but he hasn't called me for the last three days and then never picked up his phone when I tried to call him."
"That's weird," Matt stated.
"More like suspicious."
"Yeah. That suits better." He then added.
"So, what are you giving me for Christmas?" I tried to change the subject to get Jordan off my mind for a moment.
"That's a secret. A well hidden one."
"You ass. At least give me a hint." I begged.
"Well. I can say that much that you will love it."
"That's not a hint. I already figured you wouldn't give me anything that sucks." He started laughing.
"I am a good friend. It's what best friends do. But hey, I know that you will hug me into pieces when that gift arrives at your place."
"You sent it here?" I snuggled deeper into the sofa, leaning back.
"Of course, I did." He said and I got startled when someone rang the doorbell.
"That's so sweet. Hey, I have to finish, I think my food just arrived. Talk to you later."
I put down my phone and picked up some money from my wallet.
"I hope they didn't forget ketchup this time." I pull open the door.
"I have something that's much better." Jordan hands me a wrapped up gift box with a pink bow on top.
"Jordan!" I throw the box over my shoulder and jump at him, wrapping my legs around his waist.
My lips form his soon after.

When we part, he leans his forehead against mine and then moves his head to kiss my lips again, sucking my bottom lip this time.

We stumble inside the apartment, me still clinging to him as a monkey looking for warmth and comfort. My legs stay wrapped around his torso and I can't and I don't want him to stop kissing me. When he finally does, I groan from the sadness of his mouth discarding mine.

"You came all this way to bring Matt's Christmas present for me?" I ask when he lets my feet touch the ground.

"I am your present."

My mouth opens and then closes.

"What?" I ask, dumbstruck. I look down on the floor where the gift box lies and then back at Decker.

"So what's in that?" I ask, picking up the box.

"Ehh, something to make you forgive me for not picking up the phone and returning your calls for the last three days." He says. "Open it."

I keep my eyes on him when I pull the ribbon and let the knot untangle. The pink lace falls on the floor and I lift the side of the lid, not looking in.

"I hope you like it. I picked it out myself." He says, his voice so soft and velvety, wrapping you with all the warmth he can provide you without even touching.

I shake my head, smiling and then look what's inside the box. A silver bracelet and a heart shaped locket hang on it.

"It's gorgeous. Thank you." I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"Matt convinced my father to let me leave for Christmas. I know I should have told you that I wasn't flying home for Christmas but Matt wanted to give you the best present ever." He flashes a smile that always melts my heart.

"Me." He says.
"Your words sometimes make no sense."
"I know." He throws his head back and laughs, then gulps me into his arms and again I wrap my legs around his waist.
"I love you." He leans his forehead against mine and I sigh.
"I have waited for these words for so long now that I don't know how to reply." I smile, his breath hitting my face.
"I know what you need to say. Just tell me you feel the same way."
"I do. I love you, you jerk." I reply. And it isn't a lie.
"There it is." He says, his lips moving over to my lips and he bites my bottom lip.
I had kissed the Golden boy to just make him shut up and now I was going to do the same.
"Shut up." I whispered and slammed my lips on his.

I kissed the Golden boyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon