Chapter Two.

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chapter two.


 Hunter looked at the space craft. Lifting his nose int he air, he picked up on the scent of terrified woman. He didn't have much need for the stench, and he was finding it an extremely unpleasant. He moved away from the craft when the doors slid open, and four tiny earther's stumbled out. Hunter looked at each of them, all wearing the same slave dress the slaves at the kingdom wore. It looked odd on the earther's. Unlike the woman on Sexton, the earther's were short, and curvy. Tilting his head, he watched the woman with brown hair. She was helping the red head straighten up, shooting a glare at the guard that had pushed them out. She was a beauty. As were the rest of the women, but something about her stood out the most. The raven head hit at a guard, slapping at him head as he tried to keep her still. While the blonde was kicking and screeching, thrown over another guards shoulder. The red head was itching to the side, looking around nervously. Hunter narrowed his eyes on her, watching as the brunette grabbed the red head and pulled her back, whispering something to her.

"don't, Jacey. Sexton's remember. We cant get away from them." she said, thinking no one would hear her. 

"but Bambi! We-we cant be slaves to them! I have heard things. Things that they do to their slaves. Bambi, he prince's can do what ever they please to us. Things that shouldn't even be in a marriage." the red head said, fear lacing her voice. Hunter grinned, the earther speaking words of truth. He and his brother's would never rape a woman, but the Sexton pheromone that the males released never allowed a woman to fully deny them, pulling the hidden desire out and placing it as a number one need. Hunter had never had an earther, so he didn't know if it would work on these ones, but he would try. 

"put the earther's down." he called out, turning his head to watch as Rafe stepped forward, his face masking anger. Hunter watched as his brother moved closer to the raven beauty and gave a soft smile when the guard let her go and she fall into Rafe's arms. Rafe turned to his brother's, his eyes darker then normal.

"this one is mine." he snarled lowly, hissing at the guard that was still to close to the raven beauty. The earther gaped at him.

"yours? Mate, I'm no ones. Let me go, you stupid Sexton guard!" she hissed, wiggling in the grasp of Rafe. Rafe turn his head back to his brother's and grinned.

"who would you prefer? The prince's or the guards?" he asked her. She scoffed at him and continued to struggle.

"none of you!"she screeched, slapping her hands onto his chest. Rafe chuckled, this earth was not like the ones he had heard about. This one had a mind of her own, and Rafe almost liked that she was hitting at him. 

"from what I was told, firecat, you were the one that got caught with Sexton porn. If you didn't want a Sexton, why watch it?" he asked, gripping her chin in his hands. She had beautiful blue eyes, that seemed to darken when he held her still. Her face flushed, red running to her cheeks.

"that has nothing to do with wanting a Sexton!" she snapped, turning her head from his grip. Rafe wen to say something but when the pretty brunette stepped forward, he turn his attention to her.

"um, excuse me? Who do we go to if we wish to talk about this, um, punishment" she asked, her hands gripping together. Hunter frowned at her, how could they not notice he and his brother's were the prince's of Sexton? Hunter moved forward and her pretty brown eyes turned to him, widening. She took a step back, swallowing nervously. Hunter almost smiled, enjoying the way he intimidated her.

"you can talk to no one. Little one. Your punishment was set. You are a slave to the prince's for a year." he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"i-i I mean, where can we go to understand the meaning of what we are to do for the prince's? We are not fully aware of what our jobs are exactly." she said, her hand reaching up to rub the back of her neck. Hunter harden instantly. Imagining what those little hands would be like against his body. He smiled and took a few more steps till he was standing in front of her. She was tiny compared to him. Extremely short compared to Sexton women. Reaching his hand out, he tangled it in her hair. A soft gasp came from her as he pulled her to him. 

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