Chapter 1

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Sabrina's POV

"'Brina, wake up! First day of high school. You're a junior now!"

I woke up to the sound of Uncle Jake's screaming. Ugh I don't want to get up. Mostly because I'd have to endure Pucks presence with me there at school. Puck has grown up to be quite the looker I hate to admit.... OK. He's a player. A ladies man. A chick magnet. Every weekend, he brings a different girl home and they do who knows what in his magical room. Pshh I'm not jealous at all. Ok. Maybe a little. I remember when he first kissed me in his room. It was nice. Now there are other girls in there making out with him in there. -_- But that was years ago a voice in my head told me he's over you now. The thought of that made me cringe.

I groggily got out of bed and stumbled towards the shower. I stripped down and jumped into the shower letting the warm water cleanse my hair. I was suprised that no one was in the shower, seeing that there was only one bathroom in Granny's house. When I was done, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Suddenly the door banged open (I thought I locked it!) and there stood Puck right in front of the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing in here!" I screamed at him, trying my best to cover my half-naked body up. "Get the fuck out!!"

"Okay okay. Next time you should lock the door then, piggie," he smirked eyeing me up and down. I blushed red with embarassment.

"Next time you do that I'll sock you in the face!" I shouted after he closed the door. This morning was not heading off with a great start.

First day of school. What to wear? I stood in front of my closet for 10 minutes trying to decide. I finally decided to wear a halter top, jean jacket, and flats.

After breakfast, Mr. Canis and Granny drove me, Daphne, Red, and Puck to school. Puck and I were juniors, Red and Daphne were freshmans. Elvis sat in the backseat with Daphne. The big killing machine Granny called transportation finally rumbled to a loud stop in front of the school. I swear we are gonna die in that thing someday.

"Goodbye lieblings, have a nice day at school!" Granny said.

"Bye Mr. Canis and Granny!" Daphne called "I'll miss you buddy," she cooed to Elvis. The dog gave her a big lick.

William Charming High School had a fair amount of Everafters, most of the kids were humans though. Did I mention that the cheerleading squad were human bitches? Well now you know. The leader of the group, Tori, loved flirting with Puck and tormenting me, though she did it behing Puck's back. Puck loved the attention. Actually, the whole cheerleading squad loved to hit on him. Puck was pretty much a "popular" at this school.

As soon as we entered the school building, Puck was swarmed by the squad. I rolled my eyes and walked to my locker. Unfortunately, it had to be next to Pucks, so soon my locker was crowded by a bunch of girls in small skirts and tight shirts. Puck opened his locker and pulled out some textbooks. I saw him scribble something onto a piece of scrap paper and handed it to Tori.

Call me he mouthed to her and winked. She giggled and blushed furioulsy. l Ugh. I rolled my eyes yet again and slammed my locker, walking to English. Just then, Tori walked past and bumped into me knocking my notebook down.

"Oops," she smirked and sashayed away.

I sighed and bent down to retreive it when suddenly a someone bent down and tried to pick it up for me too. Tried. We ended up knocking heads and falling down.

"Ouch! I could've done it myself you little-" but then I looked up to see who it was. Bradley. Bradley the cute guy in your English class.Bradley the guy I had a tiny crush on. Bradley the popular football player everyone loved. I blushed.

"Sorry 'bout that," he blushed too. Aww he was too cute. He and Tori used to go out. That is until Puck showed ụp

"No I'm sorry for saying that. Thanks for helping," I mumbled.

"Anything for you Sabrina," he grinned.

I smiled and speedwalked to English.

Was it my imagination or did Puck look unhappy? I shrugged the thought away and sat down in my seat just as the bell rạng

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