Assurance, Hope, and Trust

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I tap my fingers across the cracked leather surface of the steering wheel and fiddle with the dial on the radio for the millionth time. The red bar passes over black and white numbers, but the only thing I hear is white noise. The front windshield fogs over, and beads of condensation run down the inside.

"Don't leave the engine running."

The plastic seat groans as I jump and swivel my head to the left.

"Don't sneak up on me, Isaac," I snap, reaching for the dangling keychain. When I turn the switch, the truck dies.

"Hear anything?" Isaac asks as he circles around the truck. He opens the passenger side door and scoots across the seat.

"Not a word," I mumble, looking at the now dim front display. "You would think Compound 2 would be looking for him. We're close enough to pick up their frequencies. It's been two days since we received the message saying he was captured. By now they could be torturing him, or he could be- "

Isaac holds up a hand, shaking his head.

"Don't talk like that, Athena."

I shake my head, staring out at the endless expanse around us.

Two days ago, Quinn lended his troops and vehicles to Jay and Isaac. Two days ago, I begged Dr. Patel to let me go with them, saying that their team needed a trained medic and someone to look after the vaccines. I fit the quota like a glass slipper on a princess.

Plus, if Sakir was involved, an army couldn't keep me away.

Yesterday, the calvary split into two groups - Jay's select team on one side and the rest of Compound 5 and Compound 3's troops on the other. They were headed to deliver the vaccine. We were headed to save Sakir.

We are somewhere between Tennessee and Pennsylvania, camped on the side of the highway. The green and white highway signs show a state shaped like a fried chicken leg with a flattened bottom.

God, I'm hungry.

"I'm sure Sakir is fine. He's a pretty tough guy."

I laugh, gripping the steering wheel with both hands.

"He sure acts like it, anyway," I mumble.

Everyone knew Sakir as a fighter, the guy who hits first and asks questions later. Tall and muscular, he looks more like a cage fighter than the boy who grew up being coddled. The Saki I know is afraid of cats, even the tamest kittens within the orchard, and laughs at the stupidest jokes. He likes the smell of freshly poured asphalt and hates the texture of pears.

He wouldn't last for more than a few days under torture.

He broke a toe when he was twelve and thought the world was ending.

"Get some rest," Isaac says, reaching for the door handle. I nod, running a hand through my long hair. "We leave at sunrise. Jay says we will be at Compound 2 tomorrow."

I smirk, remembering how bad the girl is at reading maps.

"Why aren't you navigating?" I ask as he gets out of the truck.

"Because she's bossy, and I don't like arguing with her. Plus, I fall asleep too often to give directions."

We share a laugh, a rare occurrence on the long stretches of uninhabited highways. It bounces around the truck, settling between us like dew.

"Sleep, Athena."

He gives me a soft smile, the kind that warms you from the inside out.

Isaac's probably the nicest person I've ever met. He reminds me of Sakir's mother, always trying to take care of people. His hands don't shake as much as they used to, and he keeps a gun holstered on his belt. From their stories, I know he used to be afraid of them. He still limps occasionally, but he's learned to hide it well.

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