Author's Note

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Once again, I am crying because I finished another book. This is absolutely amazing to me, to be able to share these stories with you all!

You are the most supportive, caring, hilarious readers I could ask for and I want to thank every single one of you. Without you, this book would have never become what it has. Your comments, messages, votes, and views mean the world to me. 

It's so hard for me to give up my characters, but I know this is not the end for them. I am looking forward to continuing this series with all of my/our favorite characters. These books have brought me so much joy, creativity, and pride, and I hope that my words have touched you in some way too. 

I am so excited to start writing Gemma and Cam's story. I have so much planned for them, Theo, Sloane, Rush, and everyone else. I am still debating where the series will go from there but there is a lot of time before it comes to that. 

Wish me luck, I should have the first chapter of Crossing Boundaries out for you all soon!

Much love, 


Setting Boundaries (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon