Original Edition: Chapter 1

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"Keeping you alive is my utmost priority."


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QUEEN RHEA CHRISTOULAKIS was goddamn beautiful. She was so perfect that I could hardly believe she was a real person and not a goddess standing right before me. Her blonde hair was styled in a way that showcased both grace and elegance. The sparkly silver dress that she was wearing matched the beautiful crown on top of her head. Her blue Christoulakis eyes regarded me with an icy stare that didn't help my already nervous self.

Pete, Joseph, and Brad bowed and I followed suit. Never in my life, I've seen her in person. Rumor has it that she always stayed in the palace, surrounded by her many Palace guards, and only left the Palace if need be. However, with our race spread all over the world with Court as the center and the enhanced technology, she didn't need to get out as much. She could basically wave her hand to make people do stuff for her.

"Lady Stavros," the Queen greeted me with a smile. I still haven't used to the nickname, and probably wouldn't, but having someone like her, someone who was on top of the food chain, calling me a Lady was overwhelming. I almost thought she might call someone else except that I was the only Stavros alive so that wouldn't be possible.

I bowed again. "Your majesty," I tried to keep my voice sounding pleasant and left no indication that I was super nervous inside.

"As you may know, you're the last Stavros alive which is why these special guards were guarding you throughout your life," she stated the obvious but I kept my mouth shut as I listened to her further. "So many Stavros had died for a meaningless cause." There was sadness in her eyes and I wondered if there was a Stavros that she knew that had died during the massacre. The Queen closed her eyes briefly and continued, "Ruling a country wasn't easy, let alone a race who spread all over the world regardless borders of each country. I could not protect anyone and I still blame myself for my lack of ability to do so." I honestly didn't blame her, Stavros lived in almost every country on earth it was hard to keep track of each one of them regardless of their small amount compared to Royal since Pure Royal always had a little number of family members. We were the descendants of the three most powerful Greek gods after all.

"Keeping you alive is my utmost priority. And since there was no safer place than the palace, I'm inviting you to live here."

Four pairs of eyes were looking at me expectantly but I was busy picking up my jaw from the floor.

Living in the palace?! What the shit biscuit!

Fully aware that this was The Queen who invited me and I could cuss her, I tried to sound very grateful with the offer as I said, "I'd be honored, Your Highness," Here comes the backpedal. "However, am I still allowed to go outside the palace?"

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