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kayden | emma


Emma and Kayden stayed at the lake until noon. As they hike back to the bus station, Kayden couldn't help but have a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen soon. 

He should've been more careful knowing that Jared's men would be looking for him. He brushes off the idea, thinking he was probably paranoid and should enjoy the date.

Twenty-five minutes later, they walk into Pier 24, a small restaurant. Like last time, the teenager that took their order eyed Kayden up and down, completely avoiding the fact that Emma Harper was glaring her down.

"How may I take your order?" She asks with a flirty smile on her face. 

"My girlfriend and I would like the buffalo chicken ranch sandwich, with one large fries and one large Pepsi," Kayden said with a smile before giving her the menu.

The girl rolled her eyes before taking the menu and leaving.

Kayden sighs playfully. "I'm just too hot to resist."

Emma rolls her eyes. "I hate you."

"You know you love me."

"Not really."

When the food came, they both took their time eating while having light conversations with each other. 

An hour later, they finally finished and Kayden paid before leaving. Walking to the bus station, Emma had to use the bathroom.

"I'll wait here for you."

"Okay. I'll be right back."

* * *


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