Ch. 19

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The next day, word had gotten around as to who I was. I arrived at school and was yet again the top gossip.

' Hey there she is'

'Harley Deyes. She's the one who came in the motorcycle yesterday.'

'Damn how have I never seen her before? She's fuckin hot'

' She's so pretty'

' She looks so cool'

'I heard that she stood up against the Queen B's'

' No way!'

'She's bad ass'

I felt myself smile as I hear all their comments. I spotted Emma by her locker and immediately approached her.

"You left in a hurry today" I say

"I forgot that I didn't have any clean clothes" She smiles sheepishly at me

"You could've borrowed mine instead of waking up super early to go back home" I chuckle

"Dude, we are NOT the same size. I'm way smaller than you. My body is like a fourteen year old's while yours is like a twenty one year old model's. " She says

It is true. To put it simply, Emma had a smaller chest than mine. Not to be egoistical, but I had curves in all the right places. It didn't come natural though. I worked super hard for this body. I thought that if I had a good body, then guys will start to like me. I exercised and went on a diet to achieve my body goals. Another reason why I try to stay fit is because my blood line is known to have diabetes. Every female Deyes suffers from diabetes. I did not want to go through that, so I stayed healthy.

"Mmm okay" I say

I hear the click clacking of heels start to approach us. I sigh. My time will yet again be wasted by the fake sluts.

"Hello again, Harley" Hannah says. Hatred filling her every word.

"Hi!!! Soo very nice to see you again, Stupid Loser 1" You could practically see the sarcasm from my words

"Listen here, bitch" She spat

"You don't talk to us like that. We run this school. We can make your life a living hell. This reputation that you're making for yourself can and will go down the drain. Learn your place, you little shit."

"Heyyy that's my line." I smirk

"You have the nerve to say that?!" Kim exclaims

"Uhm yeah. My body has a whole nervous syst- oh wait...sorry I guess that's too advanced for you stupid loser bitches." I say.

"What?" Kim says in confusion

The crowd that has surrounded us laughed. I noticed that everyone stopped what they were doing and started watching this hilarious dispute.

"You're going to regret-" I cut Annabeth off before she starts talking. I love doing that to her.

"Listen, whores. You can do whatever you want with my reputation, I honestly don't give a single fuck, although I am positive that you don't think the same. I have information that can tear down your reputation. The difference between how you will ruin my reputation and how I will ruin yours is that you're gonna spread rumors and I'm gonna spread you're dirty little secrets."

This is a big perk in having the little skill I have. You can use it to take revenge on bitches like this. Just make sure that you don't let the power get to your head.

"You can't do that. You have no power. You're a loner" Kim sneers

"Oh? Try me. I can show everyone here the video of you making out with the janitor. I can make them listen to the 1 hour long audio of you two fucking. How was he, Kim? Must've been good if I caught you doing it 3 more times." I spill one of her secrets. I say it lowly and quietly so only she and I can hear. Her eyes widen in shock. I bit my lip to not spill too much secrets. This is probably enough

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