Chapter Fourteen

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Content warning: Strong language 

Em's eyes sprang open, widening at the sight of Jeremy's accusatory finger pointed her way.

"Me?" She balked with indignation. "How is this my fault?"

"The Loyals caught wind of your little stunt in the mountains," Priva said. "You remember, the one with the bear?"

Em went stiff.

"I was just doing my job," she muttered.

"You should have been a little less fucking flashy about it," Jeremy snapped.

"She saved someone's life," May countered, coming to Em's defense. "It's not like she had any other options."

Jeremy stared May down with such burning intensity she flinched.

"The Loyals wanted us to help find you," Priva continued, distracting May from Jeremy's scrutiny with a shudder. "But we refused."

"Why?" Em asked.

"Because agreeing to the treaty didn't mean we agreed to turn on Wishes," Connor answered. "They tried for a while on their own but they never were as good at finding Wishes they way we are. And when we refused to help them a second time-"

"They took our son instead." Rue finished his sentence, her voice breaking.

A tense silence filled the small trailer. Em counted her rapid breaths as May looked to Dom.

"See?" he said quietly. "I told you they needed your help."

At this Em shook her head. "How are we supposed to help? I'm sorry if I fucked things up for you guys but I'm not about to turn myself in just to-"

"We're not asking you to," Rue interrupted her, raising her hands to quell her rising temper. "We have a plan, but the only way it will work is if you agree to help us.

Em opened her mouth but paused when May placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Let's hear them out, love," May whispered in her ear. Em might not have felt any responsibility for Gaten's abduction but May couldn't seem to suppress the guilt roiling inside her.

Lips in a tight line, Em gave her a hard stare before letting out a tired sigh.

"What do you need us to do?" she relented.

Looking more hopeful than he had all night, Connor stepped forward.

"The Loyals wanted us to turn you in when we found you," he admitted. "But as far as we're concerned, we don't owe them anything now. The treaty was as good as dead the moment they took Gaten to get us to cooperate. Our plan is to stage an exchange and, once he's safe, come at them in an orchestrated assault. We don't need to beat them - just create enough of a diversion so that all of us can slip away. With our combined abilities - yours in particular - we should be able to pull it off."

Em raised an eyebrow and let out a hollow laugh. "You not only want to use me as bait, you want us to help you fight the Loyals?"

Dom jumped as though someone had shocked him.

"You didn't say anything about using her as bait," he exclaimed, looking scandalized. "You promised me they would be safe."

Priva shook her head. "They are safe. We're not going to hurt them. This is their choice to make."

Em buried her eyes beneath the heels of her palms and tried to focus. Audrey's dearest friends being back in her life was confusing in a way that was making it difficult to keep her mind from slipping. The fight to stay grounded in the present was wearing her out.

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