Chapter 41: Lost In The Dark

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Preparing for the oncoming attack, Emma did her best to hide within herself and curl up into a ball. Her head was buried behind her legs with her arms wrapped around them. The anticipation of Bailey wailing on her lasted as she continued to wait, Bailey knew she had won as she stood over the girl glaring down at her, preparing to start dealing blows to her.

A second that seemed to last forever went by as Bailey continued to look at the girl that had taken the man she loved, and now she was going to take away girl that he loved. Taking in the surrounding emotion, Bailey was finally the powerful one thinking no one could stop her. Emma began to cry as she couldn't take the suspense.

That's all Bailey wanted, she wanted to hear the girl cry as she pulled her arm back and swung it toward Emma. Almost connecting with the back of Emma's head, Bailey's arm stops as a hand had wrapped itself around her wrist. Looking over her shoulder at the figure that had just stopped her, she expected to see the traitor but Brett wasn't there it was some one else. Emma had heard something slap Bailey's wrist and raised her head just enough to look past Bailey to see an old friend. Behind Bailey was Cam his eyes staring at Bailey and then to Emma as he continued to restrain her.


The girl mumbled as she realized who her saviour was.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Looks like I showed up just in time eh Emma."

"Great so it looks like you got the upper hand again, so go ahead hit me."

Bailey scoffed at Emma, with tears in her eyes. She had been defeated for the last time. Emma feeling some what safe, she got back to her feet as Bailey watched gritting her teeth at the girl. She waited for Emma to deal the hit but instead she walked closer to Bailey.

"Let her go Cam."

There was no anger or sadness in Emma's voice just content. The words were soft as she looked at Cam and gave him a reassuring nod, he let go of Bailey's arm. Bailey looked down the hallway at the set of doors, and Emma noticed as she watched the girl.

"Wait Bailey, why would you say something like that I was never going to hit you."

Cam continued to stand in a protective manner, making sure he protected his closest friends girl. However Emma didn't care as she stood in front of him looking at the girl. Confronting her rival one more time Bailey turned to face Emma.

"Well it's obvious that's why you're here, and by the way you look at me and the way I treated you and even Brett, it's clear that you hate me."

Emma started to walk closer and closer to the girl, while Bailey took a step back for every one that Emma took. Seeing as they weren't getting anywhere Emma turned to Cam.

"Can you give us a moment Cam."

Giving Emma a nod he headed to the closest set of doors.

"Sure, I'll be in the hall. Just scream in terror if you need anything."

Brushing past the girls, he walked back into the stairwell leaving only the two girls in the hallway. No one else could see them. The tension in the room seemed to subside as Bailey walked back over to the jut out int he wall and sat beside the furnace room door. With no will left to fight, she allowed Emma to sit next to her.

"Look I may have judged you wrongly in the beginning, and I see how much Brett genuinely cares about you and I just came down here to try and be as much of a friend to you as he is."

Emma looked into Bailey's eyes watching as she wiped away her tears.


"Of course, let me talk to Brett. He's probably had enough time to cool off now."

Bailey could only smile at the thought of Brett, Emma was coming off as pretty genuine before turning to look at her.

"I'd like that."

Feeling that there was nothing left to say between them, Emma stood up and continued to smile before walking away.

"Hey Bailey, just remember one thing for me okay."

She didn't turn to face Bailey, but she looked at her.

"Sure what is it?"

"When life get tough just remember that tomorrows always a different day."

The words left Emma's mouth giving Bailey something to think about as she continued to walk through the hallway doors. Behind Her Bailey attempted to clean herself up a bit. In the stairwell Cam was leaning against the wall of the stairwell, and looked at Emma as she passed through the door.

"I heard what you said, do you want a ride to Brett's place after school."

"Yea. Thanks."

Emma gave him a small grin as she followed him up the stairwell.


With classes finally over, Emma was unable to get her mind off of Brett, she didn't even pay attention to the drive over as the two of them sat quietly. When the car pulled up to the house. She looked up the front steps of Brett's house stopping at the front door and then over at Cam.

Thanking Cam, Emma opened the car door and closed it before heading up the stairs. Cam sat in the car and watched, as the girl knocked a couple times on the door and waited for a response. Not before long the wooden door is heard unlocking from the other side and watched it swing open. Expecting to see Brett on the other side, she was disheartened to see Tori. Tori looked at the girl for a second then let her in.

"Hello Emma, What are you doing here?"

"I need to see my boyfri, I mean Brett."

Emma was giving tori a look of urgency as Tori remained confused about why the girl was truly there. However for once a girl was here to see Brett, and Tori hoped for the best assuming that the two were probably close.

"Well he's down stairs, he's a little grumpy but you're more then welcome to go down there."

"Thanks Tori."

Giving Tori a smile, She walked past and went down the stairs of the house in search of her boyfriend. Downstairs Brett was placed in front of his computer, his face illuminated by the white glow of the screen as the rest of the room was shrouded in darkness. In front of him was a blank document with Brett's old story beside it. A knocking came from the door behind him, the first time he ignored it until it persisted a second time.

"Doors open."

Brett yelled with a little agitation in his voice thinking it was Tori. Instead the door creaked open slowly as he continued to focus on the computer screen. The light from the door filled the room and Emma sat behind Brett on the bed looking over his shoulder. Wanting to get the individual who had entered with sanctuary out of there he turned around and saw Emma's face illuminated in the dark.


The girls voice was quiet as Brett stared at her.

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