4 - I don't think you'r telling the truth

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A Gif of what I think Luck looks like

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caleb's POV

What the actually fuck, that was the only thought running through my mind after that girl left. I'm sure  I wasn't the only one thinking that by the look my friends were giving me, I was grateful for the silence that surrounded us and them not asking questions, until someone had to break it.

"How do you know each other?" Luck asked, he waited for my answer but I didn't gave him one, so he  proceeded.

 "Why does it looks like she hate's you'r guts? And why did she say and I quote "I hope your day is as nice as my but"?" And as if that was a cue everyone started asking question without even giving me time to answer, which I wouldn't bother giving  anyway. After a while they all went silence.

"Well, are you going to explain what just happened?" Samuel asked, clearly annoyed by my lack of words. I didn't want to answer all of their question; I knew they wouldn't leave it , so the only thing left to do was tell them what happened.

After I was done with the story, all eyes were watching me with amusement. I didn't bother scolding them, I was still thinking about my little conversation with Sam. Who does she think she is? Where does she find the bolls to talk to me like that? I was amused to say the least, but I was never saying it out loud . I tried making her uncomfortable by looking at her as if she was a piece of meat, also when I bite my lip  putting a seductive face; most girls would have thrown themselves at me, but she looked bored, genuinely bored not like other girls that just play hard to get. I mean she is really pretty more like beautiful, so she must be used at getting compliments; but still I've never had that reaction, and that bothers me. 

"What!?" I finally snap at my friends who were still looking at me with wide eyes.

"So... Basically you almost ran her over with your car, then you were rude, she made you apologise, and you complimented her ass?" Luke stated.

"Well, short story long story thats what happened" I said. Looking at a missed call form Amy in my phone.

"You are a jerk" Will said with no interest whatsoever in his tone of voice.

"Whatever, I need to go" I said before turning on the car and leaving the guys behaind and an upset Luck who I was supposed to give a ride. 

After a five minute drive I arrived to a McDonald's, order a Signature Sriracha Burger, a coke and some fries. I was currently eating alone in a table watching with disgust a little kid eating his ice-cream that had buggers he had sneezed before, delicious I know. I'm telling you, my kids will never do that, I will teach them to be as charming as me.

 After I finish eating I decide to go to the gym. From the age of 15 I start fighting, at first it was a hobby, but as time went by people noticed  I was good and I start wining money. Most people misunderstand or judge me and think I'm a bad boy, player or just a bad person. I might have had some problems with the police before, but it was only for small things like climbing a lather that said : "Do not climb" I know savage. I do sleep with many girls, but I never pretend liking them or that I want something more than a good fuck, and if I want more I tell them in the face. Well, at least I did in my last relationship when I was 13, btw I never cheated, but then again it's been 5 years since that,  but who's counting? And just because I don't want to talk to you, or I'm aggressive and rude, doesmn't mean I'm a bad person. I mean maybe impulsive and non-caring, but not a bad person. I get annoyed really fast and only really care about my close friend's. 

I arrived to the gym and enter the lockers, I change into some gym clothes and go outside and look for a  jump rope to warm up. When I see someone working out as if there was no tomorrow. I move to get a better view of the person that was now lying on the floor, when I realise that it is Sam. Not Sam as in my best friend, but Jas's best friend Sam. I was being creepy observing her like that but for some reason I just felt really curious about this girl, she just had a mysterious aura around her. She looked sad, and furious at the same time, not with the world but with herself which made me so much more intrigued than I already was. I notice today when I arrived to school to supposedly give Luck a ride how she's always smiling toward everyone, but her smile looks really forced in my opinion, like if she wants to convince everyone and herself that everything's ok. Or maybe I'm becoming Will, that thinks there is always a hidden message in each person and why they are and act the way they do. Yes, I'm definitively over thinking this.

 I must have been thinking really deeply, because I didn't even notice Sam had left. For the last 2 hours I work out until I can't handle it any more and start packing my things to leave. I arrive home 20 minutes later thanks to the traffic, sometime it can get really bad even in the outsides of California. I arrived to my floor and notice the chick from this morning  had left, which made me happy. Sometimes my one night stands really don't get the hint that their presence is not welcome in here. I grab some pasta preparing it myself to then eat it watching an NFL game. After the game is over I climb up the stairs toward my room ( my department has 2 floors) and throw myself to bed immediately falling asleep.

I push her against the janitors closet door, causing it to open; my hands on her waist and her's on my neck kissing me desperately. She jumps and locks my hips with her long legs pushing upwards rubbing the erection that began to appear, I push her against the wall and kissed her neck leaving hickeys on the road, she responds by releasing a moan that makes me want to continue even more, she grabs my hair and starts kissing me when suddenly she begins to lick my whole face, her tongue passing over my eyes, mouth and nose. What the actual fuck? ... I wake up to a happy face drooling over me. 

"Hanna!" I say, taking off my dog from me putting her on the floor, seating on the edge of my bed.

"You just ruined one good dream" I say, glare at her. I Immediately fell bad piking her up before giving her a kiss,  and stepping down the stair going toward the kitchen. 

"Here you go princes" I tell her giving her a treat.

30 minutes later I'm at the school leaning against the wall next to the schools entrance talking to Samuel and Jas. We were currently discussing about which cereal was better Zucaritas or Froot Loops. Obviously Froot Loops where better, Sam and I agree with that, but Jas didn't .

"Samantha! Whats better Froot Loops or Zucaritas?" Samuel asked as soon as he saw Sam approaching us. It's going to be so fucking confusing having two Sams, I think to myself annoyed. In the bright side Samantha doesn't look mad at me or anything, so I think she's not someone that holds resentments.  

"Don't asked her! she loves Froot Loops, she doesn't count" Jas said, clearly knowing her best friend. Samantha Just smiles at her best friend but I could see a frown behind that smile.

"There it is! 4 of 5 people prefer Froot Loops which means it is better than Zucaritas" Sam said clearly meaning 3 of 4 people.

"We are  4 " I say, returning my attention to my friend before looking at Jas with  playful glare, showing I was just messing around.

"Whatever" He said before walking away with some guy I didn't  know, asking him what cereal he prefer, that did earn a little smile from me. I turn around and notice Sam (Samantha) looking at me with curious eyes. We made eye contact and she quickly looked away. I notice how she was covering half of her  face with her hair today, and I looked deeply behind the curtain of hair   noticing an ugly bruise with a cut with dried blood on her bottom lip. I give one step toward her shortening our distance, I grab the loose hair that it's covering her face and put it behind her ear.

"What are you doing?" She said not moving with a low voice Im sure only me and Jas who was staring at me knowingly could hear. 

"How did you get that?" I asked touching her bruise. She takes her time before answering in a confident tone, but I noticed she hesitated looking at Jas before answering.

"I fell in my way back home from school" She said cracking a forced laugh "Clumsy me" Jas who was currently watching what was happening with a furious expression storms out, making Jas smile fade a little but came as bright as it was a moment later.

"I don't think you'r telling the truth" I stated, she was clearly lying. If one thing is true, is that I'm really good at reading people; that and the fact that I saw her at the gym, and I would have notice she had a big bruise in her face.

"And why would you think that? Mr I act like I know  everything" She responded.

"I don't act like that, and... I saw you at the gym last nigh ,you didn't have a bruise" I  whisper leaning toward her ear at a distance I was't touching her, but she could surely fell my breath. I then moved away noticing all eyes on us, people probably wondering whay we were so close. With that said I walk away.

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