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King Arthur with that creepy "I'm mad at you" look that he shoots his men when they f up

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King Arthur with that creepy "I'm mad at you" look that he shoots his men when they f up. 


"woah woah" 

she pushes herself away from him and stumbles away in blind fear until she realizes its George with his hands raised in the air and his eyes wide opened. 

"come here you bitch!"

George is looking at her in confusion but as soon as James emerges from the stairs his eyes take in a new emotion. 


before the man can come at Bell again, George says "whoah hey!" and steps in front of him 

Bell's heart races at the sight of the blood running down his face. 

"look what she did to me!" he says, pointing at his face "I'm gonna kill her!"

"what'd you do to her?" asks George 

he shakes his head "get out of my way"

he comes at her and Bell steps back but George puts a hand on his chest and pushes him back 

he stares at George in shock "don't forget your place you filth!" he says "the king might consider you equal to us but we all know where you belong" 

Bell is horrified with her arms wrapped around her so tight her nails are white. 

"you tried to attack her on the king's ship?" says George who seems unfazed by his insults, only wary. 

"that's non of your godamn business" he hisses at George. By now they're inches apart. George steady, anger in his eyes and stance. The other man is wild, his body restless, his fists shaking. 

"she's here to take care of Richard" says George slowly "not for your own amusement

"what's going on?" someone says 

Jared walks up to them. His eyes narrow when he sees James's bloody nose. 


"ask Bluebell" says George bitterly 

Bell wants to disappear. Jared and half the men are just standing there looking at her. 

Suddenly a boat full of men is suffocating and b=Bell wants to get out of there. 

she doesn't say anything but Jared gets the general idea

"Are you out of your mind?" Jared hisses at James "here?!"

James scuffs "spare me" 

"No, you spare me" he says "you have any idea what he's going to do to you?" 

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