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3rd Person

Mint Beckett was born at seven pounds, eight ounces two weeks post mature. Her crystal blue eyes shine just as bright as her older sister's did they day they were born. As she grew older she become clinically depressed, some of her doctors speculate her subconscious was affected by the passing of its twin, leaving her not completely whole emotionally. But despite her uncontrollable depression, Mint graduated with a bachelor's degree in both psychology and biology. She hoped to be a research psychologist in hopes of searching for better coping mechanisms for mental illness. From then until the day she took her life at twenty five, Mint kept her brother close. He was the closest thing to a father figure she could get after their mother's passing.

Primrose Beckett followed in her mother's steps, inheriting the several flower shoppes scattered around here and there. She graduated with a master's in business, a definite since she's always dreamed of being like her mama. Primrose married a man two years her senior at the tender age of twenty seven, despite the constant lectures her mother gave her about societal's pressures on young women. Together, the couple produced twin boys, both with bright blue eyes. She died late in life, and rumor has it she left with a mega watt smile on her face, peacefully resting.

Basil Beckett dropped out of high school two weeks after his sixteenth birthday. Inspired by his cousin's dreams to join a band, the trio started one of their own. Being the oldest of three children with only one parent put a good amount of pressure on his shoulders, despite his mother never slacking a day in any of their lives. With what felt like a shit ton of pressure he burst, leaving everything behind to follow a dream. He and his cousin's built an indie band from the ground up. Along the way he married a woman who already had a two year old daughter. Basil and his step daughter hit it off, he claims it was love at first sight. Despite his struggles, Basil makes enough off his odd jobs and his band to support his wife and daughter.

Rosemary Beckett raised three children alone. Several men had tried cracking her tough exterior, but she was content with her not so convention lifestyle. More of her stores blossomed, popping up faster than she could count. Her life was full of hardships, the economy not always so kind to an entrepreneur, single mother of three, but she made the best with what was dealt. She got two children through college with the occasional hundred sent to Basil's next wild adventure. Rosemary died before the age of sixty, congenital heart disease crushing the souls of all of her children. Especially soft hearted Mint.

Rosemary Beckett raised three children, from birth until her ultimate death, without a single handout, without a single complaint, without a single helping hand.

Rosemary Beckett don't need no man.

She never did. And she damn well never will.

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