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January 1st. The first day of the new year, and one of the biggest holidays of the United Terran Empire, unimaginatively called Unity Day because a very long time ago the people of Earth came together after a series of wars and formed one government. Since then, it had become the traditional coronation date for a new monarch.

Luna City was buzzing with excitement. The mourning period for Emperor Sebastian AllistairⅠwas over, and now Aria would officially become the Empress. The ceremony would be broadcasted throughout the Empire, but a handful of lucky people would be able to witness the history-making ceremony in person.

Rex was still in the hospital. It would be a long recovery process for him, but so far, he was doing well. Aria visited him almost daily. Kokona and Gabriel had gone back to their hometown. Kokona had also started working online towards a degree in business management. Dacia had gone off on a job for her boss and wouldn't be able to be in town for the coronation. Nathan's trial was scheduled for mid-June.

Currently, Aria was waiting outside the doors of the Imperial Palace's throne room for her cue to start walking. Her handmaids, Lucy, Maria, and Rose were also waiting with her, holding up the train of Aria's navy blue gown.

Finally, it was time for Aria to begin walking. She barely heard the trumpet fanfare as she proceeded up the center aisle of the throne room. All of the provincial governors had managed to be present at the ceremony, along with high-ranking military officials, and Aria's friends from school. The two minutes it took for Aria to complete the walk seemed like an eternity to her.

The coronation ceremony itself didn't last very long. The Governor of Pluto had been elected to present Aria with the Imperial State Crown after she made the vows to "protect and serve humanity and her Empire." The Imperial State Crown was a circle of silver with a star sapphire in the middle surrounded by a halo of diamonds. After it was placed on her head, three cheers of "Long live the Empress!" rang out across the throne room while Aria took her seat on the throne.

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