Chapter 10

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So it's going to say that chapter 11 is new but it's not. I accidentally left out chapter 7 when i was uploading everything but I've got it all figured out now so chapter 7 is the new one from like a while ago. Sorry about the confusion!


"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked Brooklyn, leading her into the fighting arena. She was dressed similar to me, only she was wearing a skirt so short that it showed the bottom of her ass and a tank top that her breasts seemed to spill out of. I wasn't judging because I sure as hell wasn't dressed any better, but this look was a little risque even for Brooklyn.

She nodded, winking at a guy that walked by her, "Trust me Em, I've done this thousands of times. And I always win so we don't have to worry about losing any money, we may even gain some money tonight. I could always use a new pair of shoes."

"Brooklyn." I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes as she watched yet another fighter walk past her, "Hey, earth to Brooklyn, you need to focus. This is important, if anyone sees Ryder unconscious we're in big trouble."

Brooklyn draped her arm over my shoulders, "Stop worrying, Emmy. I've got this under total control."

I sighed, hoping she was right. Then I stepped up onto the bar that had been open after the fights for the after party. We were still in the arena room where the fights had taken place only a half hour ago. The dance floor on the other side of the warehouse wasn't quite ready yet and Miguel was quickly making arrangements so everyone would fit. One of Miguel's workers had opened up a bar in the arena room to keep the crowd busy and this was where I planned on making my big distraction, with the help of Brooklyn of course.

Using my confidence to my advantage, I walked straight up to the bartender and leaned against the bar, "Do you have any idea who I am?"

The man behind the counter swallowed roughly then nodded. I smiled and tapped my fingernails on the table, "So then you know who I'm claimed by huh?"

Again, the man nodded.

"So you know what will happen if I don't get what I want. And right now, I want my friend over there to be happy. And the only way for her to be happy is to have a drink." My smile grew just a bit as I leaned closer, "A lot of drinks. So what you're going to do, is give me that hose right there and let my friend challenge some of these losers to a drinking contest. And when we're done, you're going to pretend like nothing happened. Understand?"

The man nodded once again, his eyes wide in what looked like fear. Did I scare him, little ole me? No, I didn't frighten him, Ryder did. Because he knew what Ryder would do to him if I didn't get what I wanted. Which was probably the reason as to why this bartender handed me the hose and walked out of the room.

I nodded to Brooklyn who stepped up to the counter as I climbed on top of it and yelled, "Hey everyone. My name's Emma and this is my friend Brooklyn. Anyone here think they can beat her in a drinking contest?"

There were multiple hoots and hollers from the crowd in front of me which caught the attention of everyone out in the hall. I rose my hands into the air, waving at the people still lingering in the hallway. When mostly everyone was here I knelt down and filled up two shots with whatever alcohol was in the hose. I handed one to Brooklyn then rose the other into the air, "I bet fifty dollars that my friend can beat anyone in this room. Any of you chicken's brave enough to lose in front of a crowd?"

One man stepped forward, reaching for the drink in my hand. I looked back into the hall and found Chase standing there with Ryder still unconscious in his arms. But Chase was smiling at me, he even shot me a thumbs up. I did the same back to him then turned my attention back to the two drinkers in front of me, but Brooklyn had already beaten the guy. She had downed her drink first and was standing as though it hadn't even fazed her.

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