Bonus Chapter / Epilogue

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*Zander's POV*

"Alex do you mind driving for me I would like to stay with my mate." I asked as we arrived at the cars, that we parked in front of Masies compound.

"Certainly, it would be my pleasure Alpha." Alex was one of the many pack members who had volunteered to save there Luna. The love that pack had for Clara was phenomenal and she deserved it.

"Here." Will said as he opened the door for Clara before getting into his own. I held Dylan in my arms as he slept. He was like Clara in every way. Where's as Logan looked more like myself with his dark hair and green eyes.

"I love you so much." I whispered to Clara as she slowly feel asleep, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too my saviour..." she mumbled as she finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Clara's P.O.V

"Come on, wolves you can do better than this." I said as I joined Zander, standing in front of the team. All eyes where now in me.

"It's half time and we still have yet to lead. And that's not right because what are we!" I shouted.

"Rean Wolves." The boys all chanted.

"Really I don't think so because you're acting like damm snails. So you better get your ass's into gear, an kick me some goals." The boys around me began chearing.

The siren went and the boys rushed out from the change rooms and onto the ground. Dylan and Logan turned around and walked back to me kissing me on the cheek before running out onto the ground, with the rest of there team members.

"Good job mumma." Sydney said as he walked out with Zander to the coaches box.

In the end the Rean Wolves beat the Grien Huskys 109 - 34 to say it was a good game would be a lie it was a great game, even better was that it was the grand final. We were the premier's.

We had arranged to go out for a celebratory dinner with the family.

"Logan put Emmery down now and get in the car!" Zander shouted impatiently from the drivers seat.

Emmery was our only girl. Though Logan and Dylan weren't our only boys. But they were eighteen now and fully shifted alpha males. Logan has asked Dylan to be his beta when he takes charge of the pack. Then there was Josh one year younger than the twins, he had my green eyes and dark hair with little freckles over his face. He to was fully shifted as well as Kaden he was more like Zander than any of my children, always watching and learning he was sixteen . Then there where my second lot of twins, August and Emmery. They had yet to shift but where due to in a couple of months.

So far all my shifted pups have had dark grey fur, a beautiful mixture of Zanders and mine. I had threatened to cut of Zanders private part during my last pregnancy, and swore I wouldn't be having anymore.

"Great, no parking spots." Zander mumbled to himself as he drove down the road looking for a spot.

"Why don't you park down at the garden.." I suggested, a huge smile flooded his face as he relived the special night he had proposed to me. The stars where out and he led me to the canopy where soft music played and lights shone above us, as he got down on one knee and proposed.

We easily found a park spot and pulled over.

"Out everyone, out." Zander called out. "One.." Zander called out and almost simultaneously we began a weird yet special family tradition.

"Two." I said following Zander.






"And Eight, the best number here ya'll." Emmery said as she strutted ahead of us flipping her hair in the process. I wonder where she would get that from, Maybe her 24 year old Aunty that acted more like her sister than her Aunt Maggie who nit surprisingly was Isaacs mate.

We walked into the restaurant and saw that everyone was already there waiting for us. Will was the first to say hello, Elanor behind him. They had three pups, though much latter in life then we did. Elouise, Amelia and Brooklyn. Elouise and Amelia both had Elanor's red hair where Brooklyn there eldest had wills hair and eye coloring.

"Sam..." Logan whispered out as his eyes set upon his mate. She was Sydney and Olsan daughter, a year below Logan. They where currently on no speaking terms, though I don't know why. Nor would I like to know, but I doubt that will last much longer.

"Ah, Raen Famiglia." Antonio, the owner of Italiana said as he walked up to our table arms wide. He was a lovely man, well vampire, but never the less kind-hearted and an amazingly good cook.

We talked to Antonio for a little bit before ordering food, which as earlier stated was amazing. We all talked for a while before everyone decided on going for a run, except for the mini twins and Aunt.B who took them back to her house to stay the night.

"Come on, Mum. Just shift and lets go." Josh said before he leaped into his wolf. I followed my pups example and shifted. Running up to the others. We ran out to the lake, where we all played for a bit, before we got a whiff of a strong scent. I rotten scent.

'Rouges' We all growled in union. We all formed a hunting pack and followed the scent. We tracked it to the border of the pack. Where we saw a wolf, she was young. Her fur was brown. I couldn't tell if she was naturally brown or just that dirty. At the sight of us she whimpered and crouched down, submitting to us easily. Not surprising though, she was surrounded by a bunch off either alpha or beta bloods.

Zander took a step towards the rouge, when a large growl stopped any further movement. Dylan. Omg, my baby had found his mate. He took long, strong steps towards the rouge before bending down to her level and rubbing his nose against her. Comforting her. I then watched as Logan walked slowly towards the to shorts and a shirt in his hands.

He dropped them at Dylan's feet, before walking back to us. Dylan shifted before chucking on the shorts and softly whispering to the rouge asking her to shift. She did as he asked her and he slipped the shirt around her small frame.

He picked her up in his arms and headed towards the house, linking the doctor to meet him there.

I don't know why but i just had this sense of Deja Vu. Zander was there for me and he did his job, it was now someone else's turn. My son, Her Saviour. But I knew no matter what everything would be alright, for I still had My Saviour.


So there it is guys. The final chapter of my Savior there will ever be. I will not right a sequel, though I am planning on righting another book, so make sure you watch-out for updates. This epilogue was so hard to write because I knew I was saying goodbye to characters I had created. Thank you guys for all your support. Also thank you for voting.

I love you guys, and I will miss you,

Rugrat Out

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