Julie and Alex

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Julie and Alex.
Books and unknown emotions. They both share a love for reading. She likes Romance he likes action. At some point Alex falls for Julie.

Authors note
Because I was inspired through books and my love for cheesy stuff. Love is a complicated thing, you never know if the person you like likes you back. Sometimes both of you get confused and don't think the other likes them back, but in reality you both do. You both are just scared of rejection, so you stay in the safe zone. Sometimes you just have to have the courage to say those three words.

Italics: Julie
Normal: Alex

There will be a variety of ways in which I write this story. Sometimes I'll write what Alex or Julie are thinking or the note they write inside the book they give to the other. I'll name that chapter either Alex or Julie depending whose view it is on. Sometimes I'll do a conversation in person or text messages. I'll name that Alex and Julie or Julie and Alex. If you have any questions of the format it's written on please feel free to ask me. Also if there is any grammar mistakes it's fine if you correct it, just don't be rude about it.

I really hope you enjoy this story. Please vote and comment. ^~^

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