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Chapter 5 - Is It Okay If I Sleep. . . In Your Bed?

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We made it home many hours after midnight. Eliana and I clumsily stumbled through the front door which led to a fit of hysterical giggles that only got worse when we tried to keep them to a minimum. A few more drinks had gone down and I could officially say I was properly drunk for the first time in my life.

When I glanced over at Miles – who only shook his head at us and tore off his shoes in a hurry – I couldn't believe he had picked me as the hottest girl in the room. He had picked me over the beautiful black-haired vixen on his lap and he hadn't seemed to regret it.

The game had continued on after our kiss but I didn't participate. Miles had surprisingly enough decided to pass as well. He had taken a seat between Evan and me on the couch, not really addressing me further but the heat from his body was enough to distract me either way.

I had been kissed by a guy with the looks of someone I previously only had dreamt of getting involved with. And now I was unsure of how things would proceed between us. I knew it wasn't something I should allow myself to dwell on. A kiss didn't necessarily mean anything, especially not when occurring as the result of a game.

But still, my heartbeat sped up at the thought of how good it had felt. And at the possibility of it happening again.

Stupid wasted brain. Like he would ever want that.

Miles darted past us and headed upstairs without another word, the sound of a door being shut echoing through the house. A frown of disappointment formed on my forehead. Not that I had any plans of trying to strike up a conversation but I kind of had hoped he would acknowledge us – or me – before going to bed.

I forced the thoughts to the side and held on to Eliana's arm as I kicked my heels off. She continued to laugh quietly, her make up smudged around her red-rimmed eyes.

"That party was absolutely amazing!" She messily pulled me in for a tight hug and buried her face in my hair. "I love you so much."

We almost fell over and burst into another fit of giggles. "Shh, Mom can't see me like this. She'll kill me!" Eliana whisper-yelled and started to pull me up the stairs.

Somehow we made it into her bedroom unnoticed and I let out a sigh of relief. Eliana plopped down on the bed and closed her eyes, not even bothering to remove her clothes, much less her ruined make up.

"So. . ." she mumbled, eyes still closed. "What's up with you and my brother?"

I stiffened and was glad she couldn't witness the color creeping across my cheekbones. "Um. . . nothing?" I silently cleared my dry throat, unsure of where she wanted this conversation to lead. "What do you mean?"

She snorted. "You kissed, remember?"

"It was a dare."

"No shit," she huffed. "But do you like him?"

I bit down hard on the inside of my cheek. "Why would you ask that? I don't even know him."

She rose up on her elbows and peeked at me with one eye open. "It just seemed like. . . like it was more than just a game. I don't know, maybe I was imagining things. I'm drunk."

"Come on, Eli," I sighed. "What do you want me to say? It's your brother. He gave me my first kiss. I wouldn't be surprised if it looked odd."

"I didn't think of that." She grinned and tried to focus her vision on me where I still stood leaning against her closed bedroom door. "Your first party and your first kiss."

I shrugged, not wanting to let on how much the events of the night had affected me. "It's not a big deal."

Eliana groaned and fell back down onto her back. "I'm happy for you. Even though it was kinda weird to see my brother switch saliva with my best friend." She released a short laugh. "But Miles would kiss anything with two legs and boobs."

"How would you know? He's been back in the country for a few hours."

I had no idea why I defended him. Probably because I needed to reassure myself that the kiss had meant something to him as well. I didn't simply want to be another girl added to his list of girls he had kissed or done other things with.

"I just do, he's my brother. You heard the way he spoke in the car." She released a deep sigh and crawled higher up on the bed.

I failed to reply, a heavy feeling settling in my stomach. She was right. I was stupid and hated that I couldn't just let it go. Pete hadn't called him fuckboy for nothing.

When her breathing eventually evened out, I removed myself from my standing position and crept out in the hallway. I needed to use the bathroom before I went to bed. And if I didn't remove the make up, my skin would break out badly the following day.

Slowly tiptoeing down the dark hall, I begged for the door to be quiet as I carefully pulled it open. Though it wasn't the door that made a sound. The sight that met me forced a sound of shock from my mouth.

Miles had just gotten out of the shower, steam surrounding him as he wiped down his wet body. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, completely frozen in place. His bare back was turned to me but much to my dismay he swiveled around at the noise I made.

I quickly pinched my eyes shut to avoid seeing things I wasn't supposed to see. "Oh my god, I'm so, so, sorry! I just–I needed–I'll just leave now."

"Faye, wait!" he called but I was already halfway down the hallway. I would rather wake up with a face full of acne than having to live through that embarrassment.

My hand landed on Eliana's door but a larger one covered it shortly after, preventing me from making the escape I so desperately needed. Miles gently pried my fingers off the handle and pulled me with him back towards the bathroom. Much to my relief he wore a pair of plaid boxer shorts this time.

"I'm sorry," I whined again. "I'm drunk and didn't realize you were in there. I never would've gone inside if I did."

"You have nothing to be sorry about." His voice was soft and not sounding upset at all. He positioned me at the threshold of the bathroom, gesturing widely with his arm. "It's all yours."

I gulped and raised my eyes to meet his. "Thank you."

"No problem." His sincere smile combined with the well-defined muscles on his torso made him achingly gorgeous.

"I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow?" I blurted and cursed inwardly at how desperately needy I sounded. "I mean, goodnight."

"I'll see you at breakfast, alright." An impish look suddenly crept over his face as he smirked. "If you make it. I suggest you drink about a gallon of water and take some aspirin before going to sleep."

I had completely suppressed the possibility of a gruesome hangover and groaned at his remainder. "Fuck me."

"Gladly." His response was quick and he let out a loud snicker at my horrified expression. "Relax, I'm just messing around. Although I feel pretty offended that you look like I just told you I killed your dog."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the explosion of butterflies in my stomach. For some, reason I didn't want him to find out how inexperienced I truly was. I gestured meekly towards the bathroom. "Is it okay if I. . .?"

"Sleep in my bed? Definitely," Miles grinned.

"Seriously," I chuckled and fought the urge to yawn. "I'm about to fall asleep standing and don't want to be rude, but will you let me go?"

"Never." He winked and suddenly started to lean in closer to me.

I froze up, thinking he was going to kiss me again. But his soft lips lightly brushed my temple and then he straightened back up. His brown eyes locked with mine.

"Sweet dreams, Faye."

My lips parted but no words came out and before I knew it, Miles had disappeared into his bedroom and closed the door. I walked inside the bathroom and did the same thing, leaning back against the wood. I rested my head back and couldn't help the silly smile that split my face.

"Holy shit."

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