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"It's been four months since Shyam and Payalji was taken into custody, four months since Anjaliji went into early labor, four months since she lost her baby to her miscarriage and four months since Arnavji and I have been living apart from the family. We are still in the same house, but emotionally so distant that it almost feels like, like they are not around.

And to be honest, this is what I wish to last forever.

It is selfish, I know. They are repenting for everything they did, I know, but it is just another fact that I probably will never be able to forgive them for what they snatched from me.

I always took the blame for whatever happened to them, even if it wasn't my fault and so it is only fair that I'm allowed to express my resentment for something they actually are responsible for - this is what Arnavji told me, whenever I felt guilty and the reminder of these words always brings tears to my eyes, for the support they reflected for me.

Truly, Arnavji is a great support for me. He has been a pillar for me ever since I broke down that night, four months ago, sustaining my strength and teaching me how to live for myself after everything I lost to my extreme selflessness. 

Therefore, I have nothing else to ask from Devi Maiya, other than the companionship of my husband, my friend, my love, my Arnavji, for the rest of my life--till my last breath."

With a final sigh, she covered the pen with the cap and kept it on the side table itself along with her diary. There was no need to hide it in the drawer or in the cupboard for the only person who comes to their room frequently is obviously Arnav and she didn't feel the need to hide anything from him, not anymore. Moreover, it would take some serious muscle work to lift the arm hugging her waist and holding her in place. 

She looked down with a small frown at the offender and broke into a small smile at his pouty face and crazy morning hair. The sun rays peeping into the room through the curtains fell on his face and across his messy locks, giving him a heavenly look.

Khushi breathed in satisfaction, reaching to ruffle his hair and thanked the almighty, watching over them, for having blessed her with such a man in her life, as her companion. He moaned at first at her touch, then smiled in his deep sleep and snuggled more into her waist, making her hands touch his bare back as he moved restlessly, and causing her to swallow a bubble of laughter at his child-like face. 

Her eyes then traveled from the blissful sight of him laying on her lap, to the clock hanging on the wall, which read 08:00. 

Khushi sighed in relief, adjusting herself back against the headrest and resumed caressing Arnav's hair. If it would have been any other day four months ago, she would have literally leap out of the bed and into the kitchen to help in preparing the breakfast as well as to avoid the teasing glances of their joyful family. 

But now, now things are different.

Much different.

Neither is she obliged to do anything for anyone except for herself and for Arnav, and neither is it their family anymore. It just feels like she is renting a house with a couple of strangers, for the warmth and joyfulness is long lost in the mist of sadness and despair. 

A sardonic smile curved her lips as her brain recalled that this was the family for whom she and Arnav had sacrificed everything, even their love, just for it to remain firm on it's foundation. Foundation that reduced to dust at a mere touch of miscommunication and misunderstanding. 

The thought only burdened her suppressed sadness, thus, shaking her head, she got rid of them all and laid herself comfortably into her husband's arms, closing her eyes for a quick morning nap.  

Betrayal and tears(Season 1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now